May 8, 2023
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.main_title {
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<rect width="910" height="910" y="90" style="fill:#a5620b;"> </rect>
<text class="title" x="755" y="120">LARGE DOG</text>
<text class="footprint" transform="rotate(90)" x="127" y="-885">Eco-footprint: 1.1 hectares</text>
<rect width="798" height="798" y="202" style="fill:#c29657;2"></rect>
<text class="title" x="537" y="230">MEDIUM-SIZED DOG</text>
<line x1="510" y1="237" x2="765" y2="237"/>
<line x1="765" y1="237" x2="765" y2="305"/>
<text class="footprint" text-anchor="middle" transform="rotate(90)" x="355" y="-775">Eco-footprint: 0.84 hectares</text>
<text class="subtitles" text-anchor="end" x="760" y="258">CONSUMPTION PER YEAR</text>
<text class="subtitles" text-anchor="end" x="760" y="278">164kg of meat, 95kg of cereals</text>
<text class="subtitles" text-anchor="end" x="760" y="298"> of land per 1kg of cereals</text>
<text text-anchor="end" x="565" y="290" style="font-size:12">2</text>
<text class="subtitles" text-anchor="end" x="557" y="295">of land per 1kg of chicken (more for beef and lamb), 13.4m</text>
<text text-anchor="end" x="111" y="290" style="font-size:12">2</text>
<text class="subtitles" text-anchor="end" x="103" y="295">43.3m</text>
<rect width="556" height="556" y="444" style="fill:#cc1f5e;"></rect>
<text class="title" x="266" y="474">TOYOTA LAND CRUISER</text>
<line x1="240" y1="480" x2="527" y2="480"/>
<line x1="527" y1="480" x2="527" y2="530" />
<text class="footprint" text-anchor="end" transform="rotate(90)" x="715" y="-535">Eco-footprint: 0.41 hectares</text>
<text class="subtitles" text-anchor="end" x="523" y="500">10,000km DRIVEN PER YEAR</text>
<text class="subtitles" text-anchor="end" x="523" y="520">55.1 gigajoules (includes energy required to fuel and construct)</text>
<rect width="371" height="371" y="629" style="fill:#a71949;"></rect>
<text class="title" x="113" y="656">VOLKSWAGON GOLF</text>
<rect width="337" height="337" y="663" style="fill:#f7991d;"></rect>
<text class="title" x="287" y="690">CAT</text>
<text class="footprint" transform="rotate(90)" x="695" y="-317">Eco-footprint: 0.15 hectares</text>
<rect width="70" height="70" y="930" style="fill:#231f20;"></rect>
<text class="title" x="73" y="953">HAMSTER</text>
<text class="footprint" text-anchor="start" x="73" y="975">Eco-footprint:</text>
<text class="footprint" text-anchor="start" x="73" y="995"">0.014 hectares</text>

<text class="main_title" x="10" y="40" style="font-size:40;">Land guzzlers</text>
<text class="main_title" x="10" y="75" style="font-size:20;">The ecological footprints of our pets can make SUVs look positively eco-friendly</text>
<text class="main_title" x="755" y="40" style="font-size:25; font-weight:bolder">&#169;NewScientist</text>
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