Apr 6, 2023
Insert cell
Insert cell
viewof form = Inputs.form({ // creates interactivity
projection:["equal-earth", "mercator", "orthographic"], {label: "Projection"}), // projections you csn switch between
lat: Inputs.range([-90, 90], {label: "Latitude", step: 1}), //adjust latitude
lon: Inputs.range([-180, 180], {label: "Longitude", step: 1}), //adjust longitude
Insert cell
projection: {
type: form.projection, //apply form
rotate: [-form.lon,] // center rotation around a given set or coordinates
}, //"mercator" --> flat map, "orthographic" --> sphere "equal-earth" --> double-globe
width: 500,
marks: [
Plot.geo(world110m, {
//fill: "#eee",
fill: d => {
if ( == "USA") {return "blue"}
else if ( == "CHN") {return "red"}
else return "#eee"
stroke:"#ccc" }),
//plot.geo plots the outline of the countries
//Plot.graticule(), //plot.graticule plots the latitude/longitude lines
Plot.geo(usstates, { fill: "#eee", stroke:"#ccc" }), //plots individual states in US
Plot.geo(cville, { stroke:"blue" }),
// when replacing plot.geo(land) with plot.geo(world110m), we can see each individual outline from the file imported below
Plot.sphere({stroke:"#ccc"}) //plot.sphere plots the globe outline
Insert cell
//land = topojson.feature(land50m,
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//land50m = FileAttachment("land-50m.json").json()
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import {basemaps} from "@emfielduva/dvlib_maps" //import map
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world110m = (await basemaps.world110m.geojson).json() //provides a collection of features; each feature is a country
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usstates = (await basemaps.us_states20m.geojson).json () //.json() tells Java to parse file as a json file
//plots individual states in US
Insert cell
cville = d3.json("")
Insert cell

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