function* bayesian_blocks(data, mode, p0, stepby) {
const sorted_data = data.slice().sort((a, b) => a - b);
const N = sorted_data.length;
const edges = getEdges(sorted_data)
const block_length = math.subtract(sorted_data[N - 1], edges);
var best = math.zeros(N)._data;
var last = math.zeros(N)._data;
var change_points = math.zeros(N)._data;
if (mode === undefined) mode = "OP";
if (p0 === undefined) p0 = 0.05;
var prior = p0_prior(p0, N);
const x = math.ones(N)._data;
if (mode == "PELT") {
var i_min;
var t_max;
var T_k_subset;
var N_k_subset;
var peltFitness;
var candidates;
var pruned;
var K = 0;
var unpruned = [];
var lastPruned = -1;
best = math.zeros(N + 1)._data;
// Variables needed for iteration
var T_k, N_k_reversed, N_k, fit_vec, A_R, i_max, calculations = 0;
// Iterate over the cells
for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (mode == "OP") {
// Width of each block
T_k = math.subtract(block_length.slice(0, i + 1), block_length[i + 1]);
// Number of elements in each block
N_k_reversed = cumulativeSum(x.slice(0, i + 1).reverse());
N_k = N_k_reversed.reverse();
// Calculate objective function
fit_vec = objective_OP(T_k, N_k);
// A_R is the fitness values adjusted by the prior
A_R = math.subtract(fit_vec, prior);
A_R = Array.prototype.concat(
A_R.slice(0, 1),
math.add(A_R.slice(1, N), best.slice(0, i))
// Find index where fitness is maximized
i_max = argMax(A_R);
// Save the location of the last block
// and the best fitness found so far
last[i] = i_max;
best[i] = A_R[i_max];
if (stepby == "Cells") yield last[i];
if (mode == "PELT") {
unpruned = math.concat(unpruned, [i]);
T_k_subset = math.subset(block_length, math.index(unpruned));
if (unpruned.length == 1) T_k_subset = [T_k_subset];
T_k = math.subtract(T_k_subset, block_length[i + 1]);
N_k_subset = math.subset(x, math.index(unpruned));
if (unpruned.length == 1) N_k_subset = [N_k_subset];
N_k_reversed = cumulativeSum(N_k_subset.reverse());
N_k = N_k_reversed.reverse();
fit_vec = objective_PELT(T_k, N_k);
A_R = math.add(fit_vec, prior);
A_R = math.add(A_R, best.slice(lastPruned + 1, i + 1));
// Find index where cost is minimized
i_min = argMin(A_R);
last[i] = unpruned[i_min];
best[i + 1] = A_R[i_min];
peltFitness = math.add(best.slice(lastPruned + 1, i + 1), fit_vec);
candidates = indexWhere(N_k.slice(0, N_k.length - 1), (x) => x >= 2)
if (candidates.length > 0) {
pruned = indexWhere(math.larger(math.add(peltFitness, K), best[i + 1]), (x) => x == true);
if (pruned.length > 0) {
i_max = math.max(pruned);
if (arraysEqual(pruned, math.range(0, i_max + 1)._data)) i_max = math.max(pruned);
else i_max = -1;
if (i_max >= 0) {
t_max = unpruned[i_max];
unpruned = unpruned.slice(i_max + 1);
lastPruned = t_max;
if (stepby == "Cells") yield [last[i], lastPruned];
if (stepby == "Points") yield {"x": sorted_data[i], "delay": fit_vec.length};
// Find changepoints by iteratively peeling off the last block
var i_cp = N;
var ind = N;
while (true) {
change_points[i_cp] = ind;
if (ind == 0) break;
ind = last[ind - 1];
change_points = change_points.slice(i_cp, N);
yield edges.get(change_points);