Jan 27, 2023
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Insert cell
urbanDomain = d3.extent( => row['urban_sqkm']));
Insert cell
freeDomain = d3.extent( => row['free_sqkm']));
Insert cell
changeColor(dotPlot, 12, 'black')
Insert cell
dotPlot = Plot.plot({
width: 270,
height: 900,
insetRight: 100,
labelOffset: 100,
// grid: true,
x: {
domain: freeDomain
// fx: {
// labelOffset: -200,
// },
marks: [
Plot.frame({stroke: "#d8d8d8", strokeWidth: 1}),
//Plot.dotX(cars, Plot.dodgeX({x: "urban_10", title: "name", fill: "sub_continent", fy: "sub_continent"})),
// Plot.rectY(iataData, Plot.binX({y: "count"}, {x: "free_sqkm", fill: "sub_continent", fy: "sub_continent", })),
// Plot.areaY(iataData, Plot.binX({y: "count"}, {x: "urban_10", fill: d => colorScale(d['sub_continent']), curve: 'basis', fy: "sub_continent", opacity: 0.4})),
// Plot.ruleY([0]),
//, Plot.dodgeY({x: jitter(iataData, seed), padding:0.1, fill: d => colorScale(d['sub_continent']), fy: 'sub_continent', anchor: 'middle', r:1})),, Plot.dodgeY({x: "free_sqkm", padding:0.01, fill: d => colorScale(d['sub_continent']), fy: 'sub_continent', anchor: 'middle', r:0.7})),


Insert cell
import {jitter} from "@spren9er/raincloud-plots-with-observable-plot"
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viewof seed = Inputs.range([1, 100], { step: 1, label: 'Raw Data Seed', value: 1 })
Insert cell
seedrandom = require('seedrandom')
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Insert cell
// changeColor(barplot, 10, 'black')
Insert cell
Insert cell
combined= Plot.plot({
// inset: 20,
width: width/4,
Plot.frame({stroke: "#d8d8d8", strokeWidth: 1}),
// Plot.rectY(iataData, Plot.binX({y: "count"}, {x: "urban_sqkm", thresholds: thresholds,fill: "sub_continent", fy: 'sub_continent'})),, Plot.dodgeY({x: "urban_sqkm", padding:0.4, fill: 'green', fy: 'sub_continent', anchor, r:1.5})),
// Plot.areaY(
// data,
// Plot.binX(
// {
// y: 'count'
// },
// {
// x: 'free_sqkm',
// fill: d => colorScale(d['sub_continent']),
// thresholds: thresholds,
// curve: 'basis',
// opacity: 0.4,
// fy: 'sub_continent',
// }
// )
// )
Insert cell
viewof anchor =["top", "middle", "bottom"], {label: "Anchor", value: "bottom"})
Insert cell
Insert cell
changeColor(combined, "black", 12)
Insert cell
function changeColor (chart, color, fontsize) {
.each(function (d) {
// d is the tick's value (in this case, a number)
.attr("fill", color)
.attr("font-size", fontsize)
.attr("font-family", "IBM Plex Sans");

.each(function (d) {
// d is the tick's value (in this case, a number)
.attr("fill", color)
.attr("font-size", fontsize)
.attr("font-family", "IBM Plex Sans");

.each(function (d) {
// d is the tick's value (in this case, a number)
.attr("stroke", color)

.each(function (d) {
// d is the tick's value (in this case, a number)
.attr("stroke", color)
.each(function(d) {
.attr("font-family", "IBM Plex Sans");

Insert cell
// Plot.plot({
// width:width/1.5,
// height: 1000,
// marks: [
//, Plot.dodgeY({x: "urban_10", fill: "sub_continent", fy: "sub_continent", anchor}))
// ]
// })
Insert cell
// Plot.plot({
// insetRight: 10,
// marginLeft: 100,
// height: 400,
// width,
// marks: [
// data,
// Plot.dodgeX({
// y: "sub_continent",
// r: "urban_10",
// title: d => `${d.NAME}\n${(d.rMVOP / 1e3).toFixed(1)}B`,
// fill: "currentColor"
// })
// ),
// // Plot.text(
// // data,
// // Plot.dodgeX({
// // filter: (d) => d.rMVOP > 5e3,
// // y: "sub_continent",
// // r: "urban_10",
// // text: d => (d.rMVOP / 1e3).toFixed(),
// // fill: "white",
// // fontWeight: "bold"
// // })
// // )
// ]
// })
Insert cell
// Plot.plot({
// height: 180,
// marks: [
//, Plot.dodgeY({x: "sub_continent",}))
// ]
// })
Insert cell
data =
let df = iataGroupedByRegions.filter(row => sub_continents.includes(row['sub_continent']))
// for (let i in df){
// df[i]['combined_10'] = iataGroupedByRegions[i]['empty_10'] + iataGroupedByRegions[i]['arid_10'];
// df[i]['combined_sqkm'] = iataGroupedByRegions[i]['combined_10'] * 13 / 1e6;
// df[i]['urban_sqkm'] = iataGroupedByRegions[i]['urban_10'] * 13 / 1e6;
// }
return df;
Insert cell
range = ["#ff595e", "#ff924c", "#ffca3a", "#8ac926", "#1982c4", "#6a4c93",
"#E04E53", "#DD7275", "#FA8D91", "#FFA6A8",
"#FF924C", "#E0884F", "#FBA771", "#FFCBA9",
"#73AA1C", "#70A51E" ,"#9FC95C" ,"#B9E375", "#B9E375",
"#FFE9AF", "#FFCA3A", "#1982C4",
"#BCE784", "#5DD39E", "#348AA7", "#513B56",
Insert cell
domain = ["EU", "AS", "SA", "AF", "NA", "OC",
"Central and East Europe", "North Europe", "South Europe", "West Europe",
"East Asia", "Southeast Asia", "South Asia", "West Asia",
"Central Africa", "East Africa", "North Africa", "South Africa", "West Africa",
"South America", 'Central America', "North America",
"Australia and New Zealand",
"Trains", "Electric aircraft", "Hydrogen aircraft", "Petroleum", ]
Insert cell
new Set( => row['sub_continent']));
Insert cell
colorScale = d3.scaleOrdinal().domain(domain).range(range)
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iataData = FileAttachment("iata-sqkm@3.csv").csv({typed: true})
Insert cell
import {sub_continents} from "4b75e48934b7ce6a"
Insert cell
import {iataGroupedByRegions} from "b7b073d13cec22e7"
Insert cell

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