Jun 23, 2023
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// arquero is a lot like dplyr + tidyr
// this import command is pulling in a notebook that defines a bunch of these functions
// you could also do require('arquero') which is more like R's library
import {aq, op} from '@uwdata/arquero'
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// vega-lite is similar to ggplot2
// require is pulling in the package vega-lite
vg = require('vega-lite')
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penguins = await aq.loadCSV(
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viewof cr_proj_aq = aq // viewof shows the table view, but assigns the table value
.fromCSV(await FileAttachment('20230616 casino revenue expenditures from pub rec req.csv').text())
.view({ height: 240 }) // set maximum height of table viewer in pixels
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20230616 casino revenue expenditures from pub rec req@1.csv
Type Table, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options.

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// we can do all sorts of dplyr-esq things
// Tip: rollup is like summarize; derive is like mutate
.filter(p => p.Ward > 0)
count: op.count(),
avg_budget: op.average('Budget')
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// we can do all sorts of dplyr-esq things
// Tip: rollup is like summarize; derive is like mutate
.filter(p => p.body_mass_g > 0)
count: op.count(),
avg_mass_g: op.average('body_mass_g')
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import { vl } from "@vega/vega-lite-api"
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.markPoint() // the first two lines are akin to ggplot(data = penguins) + geom_point
.encode( // encode is like aes
vl.x().fieldQ('body_mass_g') // aes(x = body_mass_g)
.scale({domain: [2000, 6500]}) // modify scale attributes, similar to scale_x_axis
.axis({title: "Mass (g)"}),
.scale({domain: [30, 60]}),
vl.tooltip(['species', 'sex', 'year', 'island']) // tooltips for free!
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// This step is like a library command
d3 = require('d3')
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// this is really the magic, we get to re-use cells from other observable documents as templates,
// over-riding attributes with our own data
import { chart } with { wait_times as data, bins } from "@d3/histogram"
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import {slider} from "@jashkenas/inputs"
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// load our data
faithful = await d3.tsv(
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// this is probably the weirdest part for R users
// think about it like purrr:::map_dbl(faithful, ~.x$eruptions)
wait_times = => o.eruptions)
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// reactivity here is free, we don't have to do input$ to access the reactive value num_bins!
bins = d3.bin().thresholds(num_bins)(wait_times)
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// click the pin icon to your left to hide the code that creates our input if you really want the true "shiny app" experience
viewof num_bins = slider({
min: 1,
max: 50,
value: 30,
title: "Number of bins"
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