Apr 23, 2024
1 fork
1 star
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jsonURL = ""
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data = fetch(jsonURL)
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) throw new Error(response.status);
return response.json();
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// Function to transform data into dictionaries
function transformCountyDataToDictionary(countyDataArray) {
const countyDictionary = {};
countyDataArray.forEach(data => {
countyDictionary[countyToFips.get(`${} County`)] = {
ageAdjustedRate: data.ageAdjustedRate,
cancer_rates: data.cancer_rates,
crudeCancerRate: data.crudeCancerRate,
location: data.location,
numberOfCases: data.numberOfCases,
relatedOncologists: data.relatedOncologists,
relatedTypes: data.relatedTypes,
totalPopulation: data.totalPopulation,
trendData: data.trendData
return countyDictionary;

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// Transform the county data array into a dictionary
countyDictionary = transformCountyDataToDictionary(data);

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cancer_rates = selectedFips == 21? () => {} : countyDictionary[selectedFips].cancer_rates;
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rates = Object.values(countyDictionary).map(county => parseFloat(county.crudeCancerRate.replace(/,/g, '')))

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cases = Object.values(countyDictionary).map(county => parseFloat(county.numberOfCases.replace(/,/g, '')))
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maxRate = Math.max(...rates)
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maxCases = Math.max(...cases)
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Array.from({length: 9}, (_, i) => 0 + i * maxRate/9)
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mutable selectedTrendData = selectedFips == 21? () => {
// Initialize sum and count variables to calculate the mean
let sum = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
let count = 0;

// Iterate through the countyDictionary
for (const fips in countyDictionary) {
const countyData = countyDictionary[fips];
const trendData = countyData.trendData;

// If trendData is defined and is an array, calculate the sum
if (Array.isArray(trendData) && trendData.length > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
sum[i] += trendData[i];
count += 1; // Increment count by the length of trendData
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
sum[i] /= count;
return sum;
} : countyDictionary[selectedFips].trendData;
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