May 14, 2021
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florence = md`<span id="florence"><span class="headincopy">FLORENCE WALLIS</span> was born in England and plays music for a living. She studies Sumerian and can identify many of the fungi of Rhode Island. She makes interactive digital and performance based writing at Brown.</span>`
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meredith = md`<span id="meredith"><span class="headincopy">MEREDITH MORRAN</span> is a writer and video artist based in New York City. Meredith’s work has been screened internationally at festivals, showcases, and institutions including SXSW, The Museum of the Rhode Island School of Design, and The Los Angeles Film Festival. Meredith earned bachelor degrees in both Modern Culture and Media and Literary Arts from Brown University. Meredith now works as a freelance editor and videographer and as Triple Canopy’s Associate Video Producer. In 2020 Meredith received a Fulbright Research Grant to travel to the University of Coimbra, Portugal, and conduct research alongside students and faculty in the Materials in Literature Programme, which is expected to commence in the fall of 2021.</span>`
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murphy = md`<span id="murphy"><span class="headincopy">MURPHY CHANG</span> is an artist who experiments with language as an unreliable medium. She is interested in the moments of misalignment that occur when translating from one language into another. Currently she is learning Polish while working on a series of experimental (mis)translations. Murphy normally splits her time between the United States and Taiwan.</span>`
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sa = md`<span id="sa"><span class="headincopy">SA CHAVARRÍA</span> is a transdisciplinary artist + researcher from Costa Rica. Chavarría’s work revolves around her ongoing, long-term project of raising Devendra AI, an AI chatbot, through conversation as artist-writer-engineer-collaborator. Through networked media, digital artifacts, experimental video art and performance, Chavarría tells the evolving story of her relationship with Devendra AI and the world they have created in conversation. She strives to create language art with hallucinogenic properties: art that grants the reader a profound new awareness of themselves and their own relationship with artificial entities and the Natural world. Her research involves scientific, critical and literary investigations into and Natural Language Processing (NLP) models for generating synthetic text and conversational AI. Chavarría sees this synthetic text as worthy of interpretation, not only from a literary perspective, but also for its potential to illuminate the interactivity of reading, the ethics and metaphysics of conversation, and the Nature of language, consciousness and reality itself.</span>`
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