May 5, 2024
1 fork
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Insert cell
Insert cell
workbook = FileAttachment("cleaned_data_banned.xlsx").xlsx();
Insert cell
data1 = workbook.sheet(0, {
headers: true
// range: "A1:J10"
Insert cell
Type Table, then Shift-Enter. Ctrl-space for more options.

Insert cell
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slice = d3.shuffle(data1).slice(0,2000) // change the right number here to show more or fewer of the 11000+ powerplants
Insert cell
Insert cell
clElem =
Insert cell
clusters = dvCluster(clElem,slice,500,800,"Ban",options)
Insert cell
options = ({
"classField": "Ban", // to set their class/colo
"dotScaleFactor": 3,
"strength": -0.5,
"alphaTarget": 0.1
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
fociOneCenter = [{x: 600, y: 600}]
Insert cell
fociBans = ({
"pending":{x: 700, y: 400},"both":{x: 200, y: 400},
"libraries":{x: 200, y: 200},"classroom":{x: 700, y: 200}
Insert cell
fociStates = ({
"AK":{x: 50, y: 100},"AL":{x: 700, y: 600},"AR":{x: 490, y:483},"AZ":{x: 200, y: 500},"CA":{x: 100, y: 400},
"CO":{x: 290, y: 400},"CT":{x: 925, y: 250},"DE":{x: 925, y: 325},"FL":{x: 900, y: 700},
"GA":{x: 790, y: 590},"HI":{x: 50, y: 500},"IA":{x: 485, y: 315},"ID":{x: 192, y: 192},"IL":{x: 600, y: 200},
"IN":{x: 580, y: 310},"KS":{x: 395, y: 485},"KY":{x: 580, y: 405},"LA":{x: 500, y: 600},"MA":{x: 970, y: 195},
"MD":{x: 875, y: 400},"ME":{x: 1073, y: 90},"MI":{x: 580, y: 105},"MN":{x: 490, y: 200},"MO":{x:490, y: 380},
"MS":{x: 580, y: 590},"MT":{x: 300, y: 200},"NC":{x: 685, y: 480},"ND":{x: 390, y: 195},"NE":{x: 398, y: 402},
"NH":{x: 970, y: 310},"NJ":{x: 868, y: 310},"NM":{x: 275, y: 515},"NV":{x: 200, y: 300},"NY":{x: 875, y: 200},
"OH":{x: 700, y: 300},"OK":{x: 390, y: 590},"OR":{x: 100, y: 300},"PA":{x: 780, y: 295},"RI":{x: 925, y: 200},
"SC":{x: 780, y: 477},"SD":{x: 390, y: 308},"TN":{x: 585, y: 485},"TX":{x: 390, y: 700},"UT":{x: 200, y: 375},
"VA":{x: 780, y: 400},"VT":{x: 925, y: 200},"WA":{x: 100, y: 300},"WI":{x: 488, y: 105},"WV":{x: 688, y: 410},
"WY":{x: 290, y: 305}
Insert cell
fociStates1 = ({
"AK":{x: 50, y: 100},"AL":{x: 675, y: 600},"AR":{x: 475, y:500},"AZ":{x: 175, y: 500},"CA":{x: 75, y: 415},
"CO":{x: 275, y: 415},"CT":{x: 975, y: 315},"DE":{x: 975, y: 415},"FL":{x: 900, y: 790},
"GA":{x: 775, y: 600},"HI":{x: 50, y: 500},"IA":{x: 475, y: 315},"ID":{x: 175, y: 200},"IL":{x: 575, y: 200},
"IN":{x: 575, y: 315},"KS":{x: 375, y: 500},"KY":{x: 575, y: 415},"LA":{x: 475, y: 600},"MA":{x: 975, y: 200},
"MD":{x: 875, y: 415},"ME":{x: 1075, y: 100},"MI":{x: 575, y: 115},"MN":{x: 475, y: 200},"MO":{x: 475, y: 415},
"MS":{x: 575, y: 600},"MT":{x: 275, y: 200},"NC":{x: 675, y: 500},"ND":{x: 375, y: 200},"NE":{x: 375, y: 415},
"NH":{x: 1075, y: 315},"NJ":{x: 875, y: 315},"NM":{x: 275, y: 500},"NV":{x: 175, y: 315},"NY":{x: 875, y: 200},
"OH":{x: 675, y: 315},"OK":{x: 375, y: 600},"OR":{x: 75, y: 315},"PA":{x: 775, y: 315},"RI":{x: 1075, y: 415},
"SC":{x: 775, y: 500},"SD":{x: 375, y: 315},"TN":{x: 575, y: 500},"TX":{x: 375, y: 770},"UT":{x: 175, y: 415},
"VA":{x: 775, y: 415},"VT":{x: 1075, y: 200},"WA":{x: 75, y: 200},"WI":{x: 475, y: 115},"WV":{x: 675, y: 415},
"WY":{x: 275, y: 315}
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
labelLayer = clElem.append("g").attr("id","labels")

Insert cell
Insert cell
nodes = nodesFromLinks(links)
Insert cell
elem ="#layer1")
Insert cell
Insert cell
highlight = (evt,d) => {
let mousedoverElem = evt.currentTarget; => d["data"]["title"] == d["data"]["title"]).style("stroke","blue").style("stroke-width","3px"); // give it a yellow stroke when we highlight it

//putText(evt,d); // and while were at is, let's call putText also using the same event and data.
Insert cell
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// register event listeners
const btns ="#controls");"#btn_all").on("click", () => {dvClusterMoveNodes(fociOneCenter); dvClusterFociLabels(labelLayer.raise(),fociOneCenter)});"#btn_fuel").on("click", () => {dvClusterMoveNodes(fociBans,"Ban"); dvClusterFociLabels(labelLayer.raise(),fociBans)});"#btn_state").on("click", () => {dvClusterMoveNodes(fociStates,"State");dvClusterFociLabels(labelLayer.raise(),fociStates1)});"#layer1").selectAll(".mycircle")
.classed("mycircle", true)
.attr("cx",d => d.value * 100)
.attr("cy", 150)
.attr("r", d => d.value * 10)
.on("mouseover", highlight)
Insert cell
Insert cell
Insert cell
import {toNum, rFromArea, radiansFromDeg} from "@emfielduva/dvlib"
Insert cell
import {nodesFromLinks, dvNetworkGraph} with {nodes} from "@emfielduva/dvlib_layout"
Insert cell

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