Contour mark ^0.6.2
To produce a heatmap instead of contours, see the raster mark. For contours of estimated point density, see the density mark.
The contour mark draws isolines to delineate regions above and below a particular continuous value. These contours are computed by applying the marching squares algorithm to a discrete grid. Like the raster mark, the grid can be constructed either by interpolating spatial samples (arbitrary points in x and y) or by sampling a continuous function f(x,y) along the grid.
For example, the contours below show the topography of the Maungawhau volcano, produced from a 87×61 grid of elevation samples.
ForkPlot.contour(volcano.values, {width: volcano.width, height: volcano.height}).plot()
Whereas the value option produces isolines suitable for stroking, the fill option produces filled contours. Setting the fill to identity will apply a color encoding to the contour values, allowing the contour values to be read via a color legend.
color: {
legend: true,
label: "Elevation (m)"
marks: [
Plot.contour(volcano.values, {
width: volcano.width,
height: volcano.height,
fill: Plot.identity,
stroke: "black"
Contours are drawn in ascending value order, with the highest value on top; hence, filled contour polygons overlap! If you are interested in isobands, please upvote #1420.
The grid (volcano.values
above) is a list of numbers [103, 104, 104, …]
. The first number 103
is the elevation of the bottom-left corner. This grid is in row-major order, meaning that the elevations of the first row are followed by the second row, then the third, and so on. Here’s a smaller grid to demonstrate the concept.
grid = ({
"width": 10,
"height": 10,
"values": [
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18,
0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27,
0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36,
0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45,
0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54,
0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63,
0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72,
0, 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81
We can visualize this small grid directly with a text mark using the same color encoding. Notice that the image below is flipped vertically relative to the data: the first row of the data is the bottom of the image because below y points up↑.
grid: true,
x: {domain: [0, grid.width], label: "column"},
y: {domain: [0, grid.height], label: "row"},
marks: [
Plot.text(grid.values, {
text: Plot.identity,
fill: Plot.identity,
x: (d, i) => i % grid.width + 0.5,
y: (d, i) => Math.floor(i / grid.width) + 0.5
Also notice that the grid points are offset by 0.5: they represent the middle of each pixel rather than the corner. Below, the contour mark is laid under the text mark to show filled contours.
marks: [
Plot.contour(grid.values, {
width: grid.width,
height: grid.height,
fill: Plot.identity,
interval: 5
Plot.text(grid.values, {
text: Plot.identity,
fill: "white",
x: (d, i) => i % grid.width + 0.5,
y: (d, i) => Math.floor(i / grid.width) + 0.5
Similar to the bin transform, contour levels can be specified either with the interval option (above, a contour at each multiple of 5) or with the thresholds option (either a count of thresholds or an explicit array of values).
While the contour mark provides convenient shorthand for strictly gridded data, as above, it also works with samples in arbitrary positions and arbitrary order. For example, in 1955 the Great Britain aeromagnetic survey measured the Earth’s magnetic field by plane. Each sample recorded the longitude and latitude alongside the strength of the IGRF in nanoteslas.
Using a dot mark, we can make a quick scatterplot to see the irregular grid. We’ll use a diverging color scale to distinguish positive and negative values., {x: "LONGITUDE", y: "LATITUDE", fill: "MAG_IGRF90"}).plot({color: {type: "diverging"}})
Pass the same arguments to the contour mark for continuous contours.
ForkPlot.contour(ca55, {x: "LONGITUDE", y: "LATITUDE", fill: "MAG_IGRF90"}).plot({color: {type: "diverging"}})
As with the raster mark, the blur option applies a Gaussian blur to the underlying raster grid, resulting in smoother contours.
ForkPlot.contour(ca55, {x: "LONGITUDE", y: "LATITUDE", fill: "MAG_IGRF90", blur: 4}).plot({color: {type: "diverging"}})
The contour mark also supports the interpolate option for control over spatial interpolation.
The contour mark supports Plot’s projection system. The chart below shows global atmospheric water vapor measurements from NASA Earth Observations.
projection: "equal-earth",
color: {
scheme: "BuPu",
domain: [0, 6],
legend: true,
label: "Water vapor (cm)"
marks: [
Plot.contour(vapor, {
fill: Plot.identity,
width: 360,
height: 180,
x1: -180,
y1: 90,
x2: 180,
y2: -90,
blur: 1,
stroke: "black",
strokeWidth: 0.5,
clip: "sphere"
Plot.sphere({stroke: "black"})
As an alternative to interpolating discrete samples, you can supply values as a continuous function f(x,y); the contour mark will invoke this function for the midpoint of each pixel in the raster grid, similar to a WebGL fragment shader. For example, below we visualize the trigonometric function sin(x) cos(y), producing a checkerboard-like pattern.
aspectRatio: 1,
x: {tickSpacing: 80, label: "x"},
y: {tickSpacing: 80, label: "y"},
color: {type: "diverging", legend: true, label: "sin(x) cos(y)"},
marks: [
fill: (x, y) => Math.sin(x) * Math.cos(y),
x1: 0,
y1: 0,
x2: 6 * Math.PI,
y2: 4 * Math.PI
When faceting, the sample function f(x,y) is passed a third argument of the facet values {fx, fy}.
Contour options
If data is provided, it represents discrete samples in abstract coordinates x and y; the value channel specifies further abstract quantitative values (e.g., height in a topographic map) to be spatially interpolated to produce the underlying raster grid.
Plot.contour(volcano.values, {width: volcano.width, height: volcano.height, value: Plot.identity})
The value channel may alternatively be specified as a continuous function f(x,y) to be evaluated at each pixel centroid of the raster grid (without interpolation).
Plot.contour({x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 4, y2: 4, value: (x, y) => Math.sin(x) * Math.cos(y)})
The resolution of the raster grid may be specified with the following options:
- width - the number of pixels on each horizontal line
- height - the number of lines; a positive integer
Alternatively, the raster dimensions may be imputed from the extent of x and y and a pixel size:
- x1 - the starting horizontal position; bound to the x scale
- x2 - the ending horizontal position; bound to the x scale
- y1 - the starting vertical position; bound to the y scale
- y2 - the ending vertical position; bound to the y scale
- pixelSize - the screen size of a raster pixel; defaults to 1
If width is specified, x1 defaults to 0 and x2 defaults to width; likewise, if height is specified, y1 defaults to 0 and y2 defaults to height. Otherwise, if data is specified, x1, y1, x2, and y2 respectively default to the frame’s left, top, right, and bottom coordinates. Lastly, if data is not specified (as when value is a function of x and y), you must specify all of x1, x2, y1, and y2 to define the raster domain (see below).
The contour mark shares many options with the raster mark. The interpolate option is ignored when the value channel is a continuous function of x and y, and otherwise defaults to nearest. For smoother contours, the blur option (default 0) specifies a non-negative pixel radius for smoothing prior to applying marching squares. The smooth option (default true) specifies whether to apply linear interpolation after marching squares when computing contour polygons. The thresholds and interval options specify the contour thresholds; see the bin transform for details.
With the exception of the x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, and value channels, the contour mark’s channels are not evaluated on the initial data but rather on the contour multipolygons generated in the initializer. For example, to generate filled contours where the color corresponds to the contour threshold value:
Plot.contour(volcano.values, {width: volcano.width, height: volcano.height, value: Plot.identity, fill: "value"})
As shorthand, a single channel may be specified, in which case it is promoted to the value channel.
Plot.contour(volcano.values, {width: volcano.width, height: volcano.height, fill: Plot.identity})
contour(data, options)
Plot.contour(volcano.values, {width: volcano.width, height: volcano.height, fill: Plot.identity})
Returns a new contour mark with the given (optional) data and options.