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Plot uses ARIA to make plots more accessible through assistive technology such as screen readers, browser add-ons, and browser developer tools.

The aria-label and aria-description attributes on the root SVG element can be set via the top-level ariaLabel and ariaDescription plot options. These default to null.

Marks automatically generate an aria-label attribute on the rendered SVG G element; this attribute includes the mark’s type, such as “dot”. The axis mark and grid mark also include the associated scale’s name, such as “y-axis tick”, “y-axis label”, or “x-grid”.

Use the ariaLabel mark option to apply per-instance aria-label attributes (e.g., on individual dots in a scatterplot), say for a short, human-readable textual representation of each displayed data point. Use the ariaDescription mark option for a longer description; this is applied to the mark’s G element. These options both default to null.

Setting the ariaHidden mark option to true hides the mark from the accessibility tree. This is useful for decorative or redundant marks (such as rules or lines between dots).