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Text mark

The text mark draws text at the given position in x and y. It is often used to label other marks, such as to show the value of a bar. When space is available, direct labeling can allow faster and more accurate reading of values than an axis alone (or a tooltip).

0123456789101112↑ Frequency (%)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ12.
  label: null,
  y: {
    grid: true,
    label: "Frequency (%)",
    percent: true
  marks: [
    Plot.barY(alphabet, {x: "letter", y: "frequency"}),
    Plot.text(alphabet, {x: "letter", y: "frequency", text: (d) => (d.frequency * 100).toFixed(1), dy: -6, lineAnchor: "bottom"}),


For formatting numbers and dates, consider number.toLocaleString, date.toLocaleString, d3-format, or d3-time-format.

If there are too many data points, labels may overlap, making them hard to read. Use the filter transform to choose which points to label. In the connected scatterplot below, recreating Hannah Fairfield’s “Driving Shifts Into Reverse” from 2009, every fifth year is labeled.↑ Cost of gasoline ($ per gallon)4,0005,0006,0007,0008,0009,00010,000Miles driven (per person-year) →19601965197019751980198519901995200020052010Fork
  inset: 10,
  grid: true,
  x: {label: "Miles driven (per person-year)"},
  y: {label: "Cost of gasoline ($ per gallon)"},
  marks: [
    Plot.line(driving, {x: "miles", y: "gas", curve: "catmull-rom", marker: true}),
    Plot.text(driving, {filter: (d) => d.year % 5 === 0, x: "miles", y: "gas", text: (d) => `${d.year}`, dy: -6, lineAnchor: "bottom"})


If you’d like automatic labeling, please upvote #27.

For line charts with multiple series, you may wish to label only the start or end of each series; this can be done using the select transform, as shown in the chart below comparing the number of daily travelers at airports in the U.S. between 2019 and 2020. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is dramatic.

0Travelers per day (millions)dateFork
  y: {
    grid: true,
    label: "Travelers per day (millions)",
    transform: (d) => d / 1e6 // convert to millions
  marks: [
    Plot.line(travelers, {x: "date", y: "previous", strokeOpacity: 0.5}),
    Plot.line(travelers, {x: "date", y: "current"}),
    Plot.text(travelers, Plot.selectFirst({x: "date", y: "previous", text: ["2019"], fillOpacity: 0.5, lineAnchor: "bottom", dy: -6})),
    Plot.text(travelers, Plot.selectFirst({x: "date", y: "current", text: ["2020"], lineAnchor: "top", dy: 6}))


The select transform uses input order, not natural order by value, to determine the meaning of first and last. Since this dataset is in reverse chronological order, the first element is the most recent.

A text mark can also be used to visualize data directly, similar to a dot mark in a scatterplot. Below a “stem and leaf” plot of Caltrain’s Palo Alto station schedule uses stacked text. The fill channel provides a color encoding to distinguish trains that make every stop (N), limited trains that make fewer stops (L), and “baby bullet” trains that make the fewest stops (B).

  width: 240,
  axis: null,
  x: {type: "point"},
  y: {type: "point", domain: d3.range(4, 25)},
  color: {domain: "NLB", range: ["currentColor", "peru", "brown"], legend: true},
  marks: [
    Plot.text([[0.5, 4]], {text: ["Northbound"], textAnchor: "start", dx: 16}),
    Plot.text([[-0.5, 4]], {text: ["Southbound"], textAnchor: "end", dx: -16}),
    Plot.text(d3.range(5, 25), {x: 0, y: Plot.identity, text: (y) => `${y % 12 || 12}${y % 24 >= 12 ? "p": "a"}`}),
    Plot.text(caltrain, Plot.stackX2({x: (d) => d.orientation === "N" ? 1 : -1, y: "hours", fill: "type", text: "minutes"})),
    Plot.ruleX([-0.5, 0.5])


Since the textAnchor option is a constant rather than a channel, separate text marks are used for the Northbound and Southbound labels.

The x and y channels are optional; a one-dimensional text mark can be produced by specifying only one position dimension. If both x and y are not defined, the text mark assumes that the data is an iterable of points [[x₁, y₁], [x₂, y₂], …], allowing for shorthand. Furthermore, the default text channel is the associated datum’s index. (This is rarely what you want, but at least it gets something on the screen.)

  aspectRatio: 1,
  inset: 10,
  grid: true,
  marks: [
    Plot.text(d3.range(151).map((i) => [
      Math.sqrt(i) * Math.sin(i / 10),
      Math.sqrt(i) * Math.cos(i / 10)

The text mark will generate multiple lines if the text contains newline characters (\n). This may be useful for longer annotations.

This Is Just To SayWilliam Carlos Williams, 1934I have eatenthe plumsthat were inthe iceboxand whichyou were probablysavingfor breakfastForgive methey were deliciousso sweetand so coldFork
  height: 200,
  marks: [
    Plot.text([`This Is Just To Say
William Carlos Williams, 1934

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold`], {frameAnchor: "middle"})

Alternatively, the lineWidth option enables automatic line wrapping. This option must be specified as a number in ems. When a word contains a soft-hyphen (\xad), it may be replaced by a hyphen when wrapping. The textOverflow option can also be used to truncate lines that exceed the specified line width, like in the incipit of Herman Melville’s Moby-Dick (1851).

123Call me Ishmael. Some years ago — nevermind how long precisely — having little orno money in my purse, and nothingparticular to interest me on shore, Ithought I would sail about a little and seethe watery part of the world. It is a way Ihave of driving off the spleen andregulating the circulation. Whenever Ifind myself growing grim about themouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzlyNovember in my soul; whenever I findmyself involuntarily pausing before cof­-fin warehouses, and bringing up the rearof every funeral I meet; and especiallywhenever my hypos get such an upperhand of me, that it requires a strongmoral principle to prevent me fromdeliberately stepping into the street, andmethodically knocking people’s hats off— then, I account it high time to get tosea as soon as I can. This is mysubstitute for pistol and ball. With aphilosophical flourish Cato throwshimself upon his sword; I quietly take tothe ship. There is nothing surprising inthis. If they but knew it, almost all men intheir degree, some time or other, cherishvery nearly the same feelings towardsthe ocean with me.There now is your insular city of theManhattoes, belted round by wharves asIndian isles by coral reefs — commercesurrounds it with her surf. Right and left,the streets take you waterward. Itsextreme downtown is the battery, wherethat noble mole is washed by waves, andcooled by breezes, which a few hoursprevious were out of sight of land. Lookat the crowds of water-gazers there.Circumambulate the city of a dreamySabbath afternoon. Go from CorlearsHook to Coenties Slip, and from thence,by Whitehall, northward. What do yousee? — Posted like silent sentinels allaround the town, stand thousands uponthousands of mortal men fixed in oceanreveries. Some leaning against thespiles; some seated upon the pier-heads;some looking over the bulwarks of shipsfrom China; some high aloft in therigging, as if striving to get a still betterseaward peep. But these are alllandsmen; of week days pent up in lathand plaster — tied to counters, nailed tobenches, clinched to desks. How then isthis? Are the green fields gone? What dothey here?Fork
  height: 320,
  x: {type: "point", align: 0, axis: "top", tickSize: 0},
  marks: [
        "Call me Ishmael. Some years ago — never mind how long precisely — having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before cof\xadfin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people’s hats off — then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball. With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly take to the ship. There is nothing surprising in this. If they but knew it, almost all men in their degree, some time or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me.",
        "There now is your insular city of the Manhattoes, belted round by wharves as Indian isles by coral reefs — commerce surrounds it with her surf. Right and left, the streets take you waterward. Its extreme downtown is the battery, where that noble mole is washed by waves, and cooled by breezes, which a few hours previous were out of sight of land. Look at the crowds of water-gazers there.",
        "Circumambulate the city of a dreamy Sabbath afternoon. Go from Corlears Hook to Coenties Slip, and from thence, by Whitehall, northward. What do you see? — Posted like silent sentinels all around the town, stand thousands upon thousands of mortal men fixed in ocean reveries. Some leaning against the spiles; some seated upon the pier-heads; some looking over the bulwarks of ships from China; some high aloft in the rigging, as if striving to get a still better seaward peep. But these are all landsmen; of week days pent up in lath and plaster — tied to counters, nailed to benches, clinched to desks. How then is this? Are the green fields gone? What do they here?"
        x: (d, i) => 1 + i, // paragraph number
        lineWidth: 20,
        frameAnchor: "top",
        textAnchor: "start"


For performance and simplicity, Plot does not measure text exactly and instead uses an approximate heuristic. If Plot’s automatic wrapping is not doing what you want, consider hard wrapping with manual newlines (\n) instead. There is also a monospace option suitable for fixed-width fonts.

Text options

The following channels are required:

  • text - the text contents (a string, possibly with multiple lines)

If the text contains \n, \r\n, or \r, it will be rendered as multiple lines. If the text is specified as numbers or dates, a default formatter will automatically be applied, and the fontVariant will default to tabular-nums instead of normal. If text is not specified, it defaults to identity for primitive data (such as numbers, dates, and strings), and to the zero-based index [0, 1, 2, …] for objects (so that something identifying is visible by default).

In addition to the standard mark options, the following optional channels are supported:

  • x - the horizontal position; bound to the x scale
  • y - the vertical position; bound to the y scale
  • fontSize - the font size in pixels
  • rotate - the rotation angle in degrees clockwise

If either of the x or y channels are not specified, the corresponding position is controlled by the frameAnchor option.

The following text-specific constant options are also supported:

  • textAnchor - the text anchor for horizontal position; start, end, or middle
  • lineAnchor - the line anchor for vertical position; top, bottom, or middle
  • lineHeight - the line height in ems; defaults to 1
  • lineWidth - the line width in ems, for wrapping; defaults to Infinity
  • textOverflow - how to wrap or clip lines longer than the specified line width ^0.6.4
  • monospace - if true, changes the default fontFamily and metrics to monospace
  • fontFamily - the font name; defaults to system-ui
  • fontSize - the font size in pixels; defaults to 10
  • fontStyle - the font style; defaults to normal
  • fontVariant - the font variant; defaults to normal
  • fontWeight - the font weight; defaults to normal
  • frameAnchor - how to position the text within the frame; defaults to middle
  • rotate - the rotation angle in degrees clockwise; defaults to 0

If a lineWidth is specified, input text values will be wrapped as needed to fit while preserving existing newlines. The line wrapping implementation is rudimentary: it replaces the space before the word that overflows with a line feed (\n). Lines might also be split on words that contain a soft-hyphen (\xad), replacing it with a hyphen (-). For non-ASCII, non-U.S. English text, or for when a different font is used, you may get better results by hard-wrapping the text yourself (by supplying line feeds in the input). If the monospace option is truthy, the default fontFamily changes to monospace and the lineWidth option is interpreted as characters (ch) rather than ems.

The textOverflow option can be used to truncate lines of text longer than the given lineWidth. If the mark does not have a title channel, a title with the non-truncated text is also added. The following textOverflow values are supported:

  • null (default) - preserve overflowing characters
  • clip or clip-end - remove characters from the end
  • clip-start - remove characters from the start
  • ellipsis or ellipsis-end - replace characters from the end with an ellipsis (…)
  • ellipsis-start - replace characters from the start with an ellipsis (…)
  • ellipsis-middle - replace characters from the middle with an ellipsis (…)

The fontSize and rotate options can be specified as either channels or constants. When fontSize or rotate is specified as a number, it is interpreted as a constant; otherwise it is interpreted as a channel.

If the frameAnchor option is not specified, then textAnchor and lineAnchor default to middle. Otherwise, textAnchor defaults to start if frameAnchor is on the left, end if frameAnchor is on the right, and otherwise middle. Similarly, lineAnchor defaults to top if frameAnchor is on the top, bottom if frameAnchor is on the bottom, and otherwise middle.

The paintOrder option defaults to stroke and the strokeWidth option defaults to 3. By setting fill to the foreground color and stroke to the background color (such as black and white, respectively), you can surround text with a “halo” which may improve legibility against a busy background.

text(data, options)

Plot.text(driving, {x: "miles", y: "gas", text: "year"})

Returns a new text mark with the given data and options. If neither the x nor y nor frameAnchor options are specified, data is assumed to be an array of pairs [[x₀, y₀], [x₁, y₁], [x₂, y₂], …] such that x = [x₀, x₁, x₂, …] and y = [y₀, y₁, y₂, …].

textX(data, options)

Plot.textX( => d.frequency))

Equivalent to text, except x defaults to identity and assumes that data = [x₀, x₁, x₂, …].

If an interval is specified, such as d3.utcDay, y is transformed to (interval.floor(y) + interval.offset(interval.floor(y))) / 2. If the interval is specified as a number n, y will be the midpoint of two consecutive multiples of n that bracket y. Named UTC intervals such as day are also supported; see scale options.

textY(data, options)

Plot.textY( => d.frequency))

Equivalent to text, except y defaults to identity and assumes that data = [y₀, y₁, y₂, …].

If an interval is specified, such as d3.utcDay, x is transformed to (interval.floor(x) + interval.offset(interval.floor(x))) / 2. If the interval is specified as a number n, x will be the midpoint of two consecutive multiples of n that bracket x. Named UTC intervals such as day are also supported; see scale options.