Crosshair mark ^0.6.7
The crosshair mark shows the x (horizontal↔︎ position) and y (vertical↕︎ position) value of the point closest to the pointer on the bottom and left sides of the frame, respectively.
marks: [, {x: "culmen_length_mm", y: "culmen_depth_mm", stroke: "sex"}),
Plot.crosshair(penguins, {x: "culmen_length_mm", y: "culmen_depth_mm"})
For charts which have a “dominant” dimension, such as time in a time-series chart, use the crosshairX or crosshairY mark for the pointerX or pointerY transform as appropriate.
marks: [
Plot.lineY(aapl, {x: "Date", y: "Close"}),
Plot.crosshairX(aapl, {x: "Date", y: "Close"})
If either x or y is not specified, the crosshair is one-dimensional.
marks: [
Plot.tickX(penguins, {x: "body_mass_g"}),
Plot.crosshairX(penguins, {x: "body_mass_g"})
The color option sets the fill color of the text and the stroke color of the rule. This option can be specified as a channel to reinforce a color encoding.
marks: [, {x: "culmen_length_mm", y: "culmen_depth_mm", stroke: "sex"}),
Plot.crosshair(penguins, {x: "culmen_length_mm", y: "culmen_depth_mm", color: "sex", opacity: 0.5})
The crosshair mark does not currently support any format options; values are displayed with the default format. If you are interested in this feature, please upvote #1596. In the meantime, you can implement a custom crosshair using the pointer transform and a text mark.
Crosshair options
The following options are supported:
- x - the horizontal position; bound to the x scale
- y - the vertical position; bound to the y scale
- color - shorthand for setting both ruleStroke and textFill
- opacity - shorthand for setting ruleStrokeOpacity
- ruleStroke - the rule stroke color
- ruleStrokeOpacity - the rule stroke opacity; defaults to 0.2
- ruleStrokeWidth - the rule stroke width; defaults to 1
- textFill - the text fill color
- textFillOpacity - the text fill opacity
- textStroke - the text stroke color; defaults to white to improve legibility
- textStrokeOpacity - the text stroke opacity; defaults to 1
- textStrokeWidth - the text stroke width; defaults to 5
- maxRadius - the maximum pointing distance, in pixels; defaults to 40
The crosshair mark supports faceting, but most other mark options are ignored.
crosshair(data, options)
Plot.crosshair(cars, {x: "economy (mpg)", y: "cylinders"})
Returns a new crosshair for the given data and options, drawing horizontal and vertical rules. The corresponding x and y values are also drawn just outside the bottom and left sides of the frame, respectively, typically on top of the axes. If either x or y is not specified, the crosshair will be one-dimensional.
crosshairX(data, options)
Plot.crosshairX(aapl, {x: "Date", y: "Close"})
Like crosshair, but using pointerX when x is the dominant dimension, like time in a time-series chart.
crosshairY(data, options)
Plot.crosshairY(aapl, {x: "Date", y: "Close"})
Like crosshair, but using pointerY when y is the dominant dimension.