Interval transform
There’s also an interval scale option for quantizing continuous data.
The interval transform turns a quantitative or temporal value into a continuous extent [start, stop]. For example, if value is an instant in time, the interval transform could return a start of UTC midnight and a stop of the UTC midnight the following day.
The interval transform is often used for time-series bar charts. For example, consider the chart below of the daily trade volume of Apple stock. Because of the barY mark, the x scale is ordinal (band). And because the regularity of the data is not specified (i.e., because Plot has no way of knowing that this is daily data), every distinct value must have its own label, leading to crowding. If a day were missing data, it would be difficult to spot! 👓
marginBottom: 80,
x: {type: "band"}, // ⚠️ not utc
y: {
transform: (d) => d / 1e6,
label: "Daily trade volume (millions)"
marks: [
Plot.barY(aapl.slice(-40), {x: "Date", y: "Volume"}),
In contrast, a rectY mark with the interval option and the day interval produces a temporal (utc) x scale. This allows Plot to compute ticks at meaningful intervals: here weekly boundaries, UTC midnight on Sundays. Furthermore, we can see that this isn’t truly daily data — it’s missing weekends and holidays when the stock market was closed.
y: {
grid: true,
transform: (d) => d / 1e6,
label: "Daily trade volume (millions)"
marks: [
Plot.rectY(aapl.slice(-40), {x: "Date", interval: "day", y: "Volume"}),
The interval transform is not a standalone transform, but an option on marks and scales.
The meaning of the interval mark option depends on the associated mark, such as line, bar, rect, or dot. For example, for the barY mark, the interval option affects converts a singular y value into an interval [y1, y2]. In the contrived example below, notice that the vertical↕︎ extent of each bar spans an interval of 5 million, rather than extending to y = 0.
marginBottom: 80,
x: {type: "band"}, // ⚠️ not utc
y: {
grid: true,
transform: (d) => d / 1e6,
label: "Daily trade volume (millions)"
marks: [
Plot.barY(aapl.slice(-40), {x: "Date", y: "Volume", interval: 5e6}),
While the interval option is most commonly specified as a named time interval or a number, it can also be specified as a D3 time interval or any object that implements interval.floor and interval.offset.