Legends ^0.3.0
Plot can generate legends for color, opacity, and symbol scales. For example, the scatterplot below of body measurements of Olympic athletes includes a legend for its color scale, allowing the meaning of color to be interpreted by the reader. (The axes similarly document the meaning of the x and y position scales.)
color: {legend: true},
marks: [
Plot.dot(olympians, {x: "weight", y: "height", stroke: "sex"})
The legend above is a swatches legend because the color scale is ordinal (with a categorical scheme). When the color scale is continuous, a ramp legend with a smooth gradient is generated instead. The plot below of global average surface temperature (GISTEMP) uses a diverging color scale to indicate the deviation from the 1951–1980 average in degrees Celsius.
color: {
scheme: "BuRd",
legend: true
marks: [
Plot.dot(gistemp, {x: "Date", y: "Anomaly", stroke: "Anomaly"})
When an ordinal color scale is used redundantly with a symbol scale, the symbol legend will incorporate the color encoding. This is more accessible than using color alone, particularly for readers with color vision deficiency.
grid: true,
x: {label: "Body mass (g)"},
y: {label: "Flipper length (mm)"},
symbol: {legend: true},
marks: [
Plot.dot(penguins, {x: "body_mass_g", y: "flipper_length_mm", stroke: "species", symbol: "species"})
Plot does not yet generate legends for the r (radius) scale or the length scale. If you are interested in this feature, please upvote #236. In the meantime, you can implement a legend using marks as demonstrated in the spike map example.
Legend options
If the legend scale option is true, the default legend will be produced for the scale; otherwise, the meaning of the legend option depends on the scale: for quantitative color scales, it defaults to ramp but may be set to swatches for a discrete scale (most commonly for threshold color scales); for ordinal color scales and symbol scales, only the swatches value is supported. If the *legend scale option is undefined, it will be inherited from the top-level legend plot option. prerelease
Categorical and ordinal color legends are rendered as swatches, unless the legend option is set to ramp. The swatches can be configured with the following options:
- tickFormat - a format function for the labels
- swatchSize - the size of the swatch (if square)
- swatchWidth - the swatches’ width
- swatchHeight - the swatches’ height
- columns - the number of swatches per row
- marginLeft - the legend’s left margin
- className - a class name, that defaults to a randomly generated string scoping the styles
- opacity - the swatch fill opacity ^0.6.5
- width - the legend’s width (in pixels)
Symbol legends are rendered as swatches and support the options above in addition to the following options:
- fill - the symbol fill color
- fillOpacity - the symbol fill opacity; defaults to 1
- stroke - the symbol stroke color
- strokeOpacity - the symbol stroke opacity; defaults to 1
- strokeWidth - the symbol stroke width; defaults to 1.5
- r - the symbol radius; defaults to 4.5 pixels
The fill and stroke symbol legend options can be specified as “color” to apply the color scale when the symbol scale is a redundant encoding. The fill defaults to none. The stroke defaults to currentColor if the fill is none, and to none otherwise. The fill and stroke options may also be inherited from the corresponding options on an associated dot mark.
Continuous color legends are rendered as a ramp, and can be configured with the following options:
- label - the scale’s label
- ticks - the desired number of ticks, or an array of tick values
- tickFormat - a format function for the legend’s ticks
- tickSize - the tick size
- round - if true (default), round tick positions to pixels
- width - the legend’s width
- height - the legend’s height
- marginTop - the legend’s top margin
- marginRight - the legend’s right margin
- marginBottom - the legend’s bottom margin
- marginLeft - the legend’s left margin
- opacity - the ramp’s fill opacity
The style legend option allows custom styles to override Plot’s defaults; it has the same behavior as in Plot’s top-level plot options. The className option is suffixed with -ramp or -swatches, reflecting the legend type.
Renders a standalone legend for the scale defined by the given options object, returning a SVG or HTML figure element. This element can then be inserted into the page as described in the getting started guide. The options object must define at least one scale; see scale options for how to define a scale.
For example, here is a ramp legend of a linear color scale with the default domain of [0, 1] and default scheme turbo:
Plot.legend({color: {type: "linear"}})
The options object may also include any additional legend options described in the previous section. For example, to make the above legend slightly wider:
Plot.legend({width: 320, color: {type: "linear"}})