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Rect mark

The rect mark draws axis-aligned rectangles defined by x1, y1, x2, and y2. For example, here we display geographic bounding boxes of U.S. counties represented as [x1, y1, x2, y2] tuples, where x1 & x2 are degrees longitude and y1 & y2 are degrees latitude.

  projection: "albers-usa",
  marks: [
    Plot.rect(countyboxes, {
      x1: "0", // or ([x1]) => x1
      y1: "1", // or ([, y1]) => y1
      x2: "2", // or ([,, x2]) => x2
      y2: "3", // or ([,,, y2]) => y2
      stroke: "currentColor"

The rect mark is often used to produce histograms or heatmaps of quantitative data. For example, given some binned observations computed by d3.bin, we can produce a basic histogram with rectY as follows:

020406080100120140160180200↑ length−4−3−2−10123Fork
Plot.rectY(bins, {x1: "x0", x2: "x1", y: "length"}).plot({round: true})
bins = d3.bin()(d3.range(1000).map(d3.randomNormal()))


d3.bin uses x0 and x1 to represent the lower and upper bound of each bin, whereas the rect mark uses x1 and x2. The length field is the count of values in each bin, which is encoded as y.

More commonly, the rect mark is paired with the bin transform to bin quantitative values automatically. As an added bonus, this sets default inset options for a 1px gap separating adjacent rects, improving readability.

020406080100120140160180200↑ Frequency−4−3−2−10123Fork
Plot.rectY(d3.range(1000).map(d3.randomNormal()), Plot.binX()).plot()

Like the bar mark, the rect mark has two convenience constructors for common orientations: rectX is for horizontal→ rects with an implicit stackX transform, while rectY is for vertical↑ rects with an implicit stackY transform.

050100150200250300350400450500550600↑ Frequency406080100120140160weight →
  color: {legend: true},
  marks: [
    Plot.rectY(olympians, Plot.binX({y: "count"}, {x: "weight", fill: "sex"})),

For overlapping rects, you can opt-out of the implicit stack transform by specifying either x1 or x2 for rectX, and likewise either y1 or y2 for rectY.

050100150200250300350400↑ Frequency406080100120140160weight →
  round: true,
  color: {legend: true},
  marks: [
    Plot.rectY(olympians, Plot.binX({y2: "count"}, {x: "weight", fill: "sex", mixBlendMode: "multiply"})),


While the mixBlendMode option is useful for mitigating occlusion, it can be slow to render if there are many elements. More than two overlapping histograms may also be hard to read.

The rect mark and bin transform naturally support faceting, too.

femalemalesex01002003004000100200300400↑ Frequency406080100120140160weight →Fork
  marks: [
    Plot.rectY(olympians, Plot.binX({y: "count"}, {x: "weight", fy: "sex"})),

The rect constructor, again with the bin transform, can produce two-dimensional histograms (heatmaps) where density is represented by the fill color encoding.

1,0002,0003,0004,0005,0006,0007,0008,0009,00010,00011,00012,00013,00014,00015,00016,00017,00018,00019,000↑ price0. →Fork
  height: 640,
  marginLeft: 60,
  color: {
    scheme: "YlGnBu",
    type: "symlog"
  marks: [
    Plot.rect(diamonds, Plot.bin({fill: "count"}, {x: "carat", y: "price", thresholds: 100}))


A similar plot can be made with the dot mark, if you’d prefer a size encoding.

Below we recreate an uncommon chart by Max Roser that visualizes global poverty. Each rect represents a country: x encodes the country’s population, while y encodes the proportion of that population living in poverty; hence area represents the number of people living in poverty. Rects are stacked along x in order of descending y.

0102030405060708090100↑ Proportion living on less than $30 per day (%)01,0002,0003,0004,0005,0006,0007,000Population (millions) →Guinea-Bissau 100.0%Mali 100.0%Madagascar 100.0%Somalia 100.0%Niger 100.0%Burundi 100.0%Congo, Democratic Republic of 100.0%Timor-Leste 100.0%South Sudan 100.0%Liberia 100.0%Sierra Leone 100.0%Nigeria 100.0%Togo 99.9%Guinea 99.9%Burkina Faso 99.9%Ethiopia 99.9%Yemen, Republic of 99.9%Malawi 99.9%Papua New Guinea 99.9%Benin 99.9%Tanzania 99.9%Senegal 99.9%Chad 99.9%Uzbekistan 99.8%Bangladesh 99.8%Solomon Islands 99.8%Kenya 99.8%Uganda 99.8%Cote d'Ivoire 99.8%Iraq 99.8%Nepal 99.8%Mauritania 99.8%Rwanda 99.7%Central African Republic 99.7%Kosovo 99.7%Sudan 99.7%India 99.7%Kyrgyz Republic 99.6%Vanuatu 99.6%Pakistan 99.6%Lao People's Democratic Republic 99.6%Angola 99.6%Micronesia, Federated States of 99.6%Gambia, The 99.6%Haiti 99.6%Kiribati 99.6%Zambia 99.5%Syrian Arab Republic 99.5%Lesotho 99.5%Congo, Republic of 99.5%Mozambique 99.4%Tajikistan 99.4%Egypt, Arab Republic of 99.4%Myanmar 99.4%Zimbabwe 99.3%Sao Tome and Principe 99.2%Cameroon 99.2%Albania 99.2%Djibouti 99.2%Philippines 99.1%Moldova 99.1%Algeria 99.1%Ghana 98.9%Comoros 98.9%Georgia 98.9%Indonesia 98.8%Armenia 98.6%Vietnam 98.2%Ukraine 98.2%Kazakhstan 98.1%North Macedonia 98.1%Tuvalu 98.0%Eswatini 98.0%Sri Lanka 98.0%Mongolia 97.9%Gabon 97.6%West Bank and Gaza 97.6%Turkmenistan 97.6%Nauru 97.5%Tunisia 97.3%Fiji 97.2%Romania 97.2%Cabo Verde 97.0%Guatemala 96.9%Samoa 96.8%Honduras 96.8%Tonga 96.7%El Salvador 96.7%Bhutan 96.5%Serbia 96.4%Botswana 96.3%Jordan 96.1%China 96.1%Morocco 96.0%Nicaragua 95.1%Guyana 94.9%Belize 94.9%Mauritius 94.4%Jamaica 94.1%Peru 93.5%Mexico 93.5%Montenegro 93.3%Maldives 93.0%Namibia 92.6%Bolivia 91.9%Ecuador 91.5%Thailand 91.5%Iran, Islamic Republic of 91.2%Colombia 90.8%South Africa 90.8%Dominican Republic 90.4%Poland 89.8%Belarus 89.8%Bulgaria 88.8%St. Lucia 88.5%Paraguay 87.5%Turkey 86.5%Croatia 86.3%Azerbaijan 86.0%Seychelles 85.9%Russian Federation 84.0%Brazil 83.9%Hungary 83.0%Chile 81.4%Bosnia and Herzegovina 81.1%Slovak Republic 80.9%Greece 80.3%Costa Rica 79.1%Panama 78.9%Lebanon 77.9%Latvia 77.3%Lithuania 74.4%Malaysia 71.6%Trinidad and Tobago 71.4%Portugal 69.9%Uruguay 69.9%Czech Republic 65.2%Estonia 61.1%Israel 52.4%Spain 48.6%Slovenia 47.2%Cyprus 43.9%Italy 40.2%Korea, Republic of 36.0%Taiwan, China 35.2%United Kingdom 34.6%Malta 34.3%Ireland 30.9%Japan 30.5%United States 24.2%France 22.5%Germany 22.2%Belgium 22.0%Canada 20.7%Australia 19.7%Austria 19.6%Finland 19.1%Netherlands 17.9%Sweden 16.5%Iceland 15.8%United Arab Emirates 14.9%Luxembourg 14.0%Denmark 13.9%Switzerland 11.9%Norway 6.9%Fork
  x: {label: "Population (millions)"},
  y: {percent: true, label: "Proportion living on less than $30 per day (%)"},
  marks: [
    Plot.rectY(povcalnet, Plot.stackX({
      filter: (d) => ["N", "A"].includes(d.CoverageType),
      x: "ReqYearPopulation",
      order: "HeadCount",
      reverse: true,
      y2: "HeadCount", // y2 to avoid stacking by y
      title: (d) => `${d.CountryName}\n${(d.HeadCount * 100).toFixed(1)}%`,
      insetLeft: 0.2,
      insetRight: 0.2

The interval transform may be used to convert a single value in x or y (or both) into an extent. (Unlike the bin transform, the interval transform will produce overlapping rects if multiple points have the same position.) The chart below shows the observed daily maximum temperature in Seattle for the year 2015. The day-in-month and month-in-year numbers are expanded to unit intervals by setting the interval option to 1.

  aspectRatio: 1,
  y: {ticks: 12, tickFormat: Plot.formatMonth("en", "narrow")},
  marks: [
    Plot.rect(seattle.filter((d) => === 2015), {
      x: (d) =>,
      y: (d) =>,
      interval: 1,
      fill: "temp_max",
      inset: 0.5


A similar chart could be made with the cell mark using ordinal x and y scales instead, or with the dot mark as a scatterplot.

To round corners, use the r option. If the combined corner radii exceed the width or height of the rect, the radii are proportionally reduced to produce a pill shape with circular caps. Try increasing the radii below.

02004006008001,0001,2001,4001,6001,8002,0002,2002,4002,6002,800↑ Frequency406080100120140160180weight →
  marks: [
    Plot.rectY(olympians, Plot.binX({y: "count"}, {x: "weight", r, thresholds: 10})),
  marks: [
    Plot.rectY(olympians, Plot.binX({y: "count"}, {x: "weight", r: 4, thresholds: 10})),

To round corners on a specific side, use the rx1, ry1, rx2, or ry2 options. When stacking rounded rects vertically, use a positive ry2 and a corresponding negative ry1; likewise for stacking rounded rects horizontally, use a positive rx2 and a negative rx1. Use the clip option to hide the “wings” below zero.

050100150200250300350400450500550600↑ Frequency406080100120140160weight →
  color: {legend: true},
  marks: [
    Plot.rectY(olympians, Plot.binX({y: "count"}, {x: "weight", fill: "sex", ry2: 4, ry1: -4, clip: "frame"})),

You can even round specific corners using the rx1y1, rx2y1, rx2y2, and rx1y2 options.

050100150200250300350400450500550600↑ Frequency406080100120140160weight →
  color: {legend: true},
  marks: [
    Plot.rectY(olympians, Plot.binX({y: "count"}, {x: "weight", fill: "sex", rx1y2: 10, rx1y1: -10, clip: "frame"})),

Rect options

The following channels are optional:

  • x1 - the starting horizontal position; bound to the x scale
  • y1 - the starting vertical position; bound to the y scale
  • x2 - the ending horizontal position; bound to the x scale
  • y2 - the ending vertical position; bound to the y scale

If x1 is specified but x2 is not specified, then x must be a band scale; if y1 is specified but y2 is not specified, then y must be a band scale.

If an interval is specified, such as d3.utcDay, x1 and x2 can be derived from x: interval.floor(x) is invoked for each x to produce x1, and interval.offset(x1) is invoked for each x1 to produce x2. The same is true for y, y1, and y2, respectively. If the interval is specified as a number n, x1 and x2 are taken as the two consecutive multiples of n that bracket x. Named UTC intervals such as day are also supported; see scale options.

The rect mark supports the standard mark options, including insets and rounded corners. The stroke defaults to none. The fill defaults to currentColor if the stroke is none, and to none otherwise.

rect(data, options)

Plot.rect(olympians, Plot.bin({fill: "count"}, {x: "weight", y: "height"}))

Returns a new rect with the given data and options.

rectX(data, options)

Plot.rectX(olympians, Plot.binY({x: "count"}, {y: "weight"}))

Equivalent to rect, except that if neither the x1 nor x2 option is specified, the x option may be specified as shorthand to apply an implicit stackX transform; this is the typical configuration for a histogram with horizontal→ rects aligned at x = 0. If the x option is not specified, it defaults to the identity function.

rectY(data, options)

Plot.rectY(olympians, Plot.binX({y: "count"}, {x: "weight"}))

Equivalent to rect, except that if neither the y1 nor y2 option is specified, the y option may be specified as shorthand to apply an implicit stackY transform; this is the typical configuration for a histogram with vertical↑ rects aligned at y = 0. If the y option is not specified, it defaults to the identity function.