Data appsSecrets let you define environment variables for your data app’s managed builds. This lets you avoid checking sensitive values into your source control, or define different values for local development and your production app. Once you add a secret under app settings, you can’t see its value there; it is only available to your app at build time, and it is redacted from logs. You can use it in your data loaders and page loaders, e.g. to fetch private data, but should be careful not to output or render it on your built pages.
Secrets are securely hosted by Observable. To avoid ever sending us your secrets, Enterprise customers can pass environment variables directly to their on-premises builder.
Add a secret
Under app settings, go to the Secrets tab and click “Add secret”.

The “Key name” is the variable you will reference in code; “Key value” is the secret itself. Once you click “Create new secret”, you won’t be able to see the value again.

For each secret, the table shows the name, who added it, and when.

You can edit or delete the secret with the “⋯” menu at the end of the row. Editing lets you redefine the secret, but does not let you see its current value. Once changed or deleted, there is no way to recover previous secrets.
Use a secret
Secrets are passed as standard environment variables to data loaders and page loaders. You can read its value with process.env.KEY_NAME
. For example, you can use a secret called GITHUB_TOKEN to make an authenticated request to the GitHub API:
const response = await fetch(
{headers: {
authorization: `token ${process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN}`,
accept: "application/vnd.github.v3+json"
process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(await response.json()));
That code will fail on a Markdown page, like
, but work in a data loader, like github.json.js
. That means the secret can only be used at build time, not at run time. This is important for security. Viewers can see the app’s runtime scripts, but they cannot access the data loader source — only its output.
Notice that, in the example above, we pass the secret to GitHub, get JSON back, and write the JSON to stdout. We can then load the resulting file on a page. The secret remains secret, but the data we get in return — in this case, a list of repository issues — does not.
Do not output the value of your secret from a data or page loader, or it could be leaked to app viewers. You are responsible for using your secret securely in your app code.
Using secrets locally
Secrets are only injected into your data app during managed builds. For local development, you can pass them on the command line:
GITHUB_TOKEN=a-secret-token npm run dev
Or you can add a .env file in your project directory (and add it to .gitignore so it doesn’t get checked in):
Install dotenv and include import "dotenv/config"
at the top of a data loader to run it with the values from .env as environment variables.
On-premises environment variables
EnterpriseLearn more about EnterpriseSecrets are available whether you’re building your app on the Observable Cloud or on your own on-premises environment. If you’re using the latter, you also have the option to pass environment variables directly to your builder without ever sending the secret to Observable’s servers.
The builder looks for environment variables called BUILDER_SECRETS
that define comma-separated lists of other environment variables that should be exposed to the build process. The only difference is that we make a best effort to redact BUILDER_SECRETS
from logs (though you should try to avoid logging them in the first place); BUILDER_VARIABLES
are not redacted.
For example, given these environment variables:
GITHUB_ORG, REPO_NAME, and GITHUB_TOKEN will be available to your data and page loaders as environment variables, to be used in the same way we showed above, and GITHUB_TOKEN will be redacted from logs. If any of them don’t exist in the environment, the builder will error when it starts.
If you want the host’s GITHUB_TOKEN variable to be available to your data loaders as TOKEN, you can map the two names with a colon: BUILDER_SECRETS=TOKEN:GITHUB_TOKEN