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Nicolas Lambert
Hi. I'm Nicolas Lambert, research engineer in geographic information science at CNRS (France). My job is to draw maps and teach cartography at the university. I am a geographer 🌎, and not really a developer 🖥️
2 collections
Nicolas Lambert
2 forks
Andy's Walgreens COVID-19 Tracker Tracker
Belgium Vaccination Tracker - Progress of the vaccination campaign
Vaccination against covid-19 in France
500,000 COVID-19 Deaths
Covid-19 vaccinations: Bubbles
Time Spiral with a COVID Demo
Grid Cartogram component with live COVID demos (plus a MapEditor)
The US COVID Syringe
COVID-19 World Community Mobility Report by Google
Chicago COVID ZIP Sparklines
The COVID Syringe
భారతదేశంలో కోవిడ్-19
SVG DataGrid with many features and a live COVID Dashboard demo
The spread of Covid-19 in New Mexico
Heatmap of COVID-19 Confirmed Cases by Age over Time in Japan
The CoViD-19 Report
Covid19 Worldwide
Massachusetts Coronavirus Cases by Town
Choropleth map about Covid19 in France
Well ordered coronavirus heatmaps for US and the World
COVID-19 Racial/Ethnic Mortality Analysis
ProPublica's COVID Arrow Map
Clustering students to slow virus spread inside schools
COVID-19 in the USA
Who Is Wearing Masks in the U.S.
Covid-19 Viz Roundup
Coronavirus Stats
The Covid-19 Crisis' Impact on the Number of US Flight Passengers
COVID-19 Daily New Cases
COVID-19 Cases
COVID–19 Bubble Chart with D3 Render
Coronavirus Deaths by Race / Ethnicity
How many SARS-CoV-2 tests are we running in the U.S.?
COVID-19 Onset vs. Confirmation
Peaks in confirmed daily deaths due to COVID-19 so far
COVID-19 in the U.S.
Recreating John Burn-Murdoch’s Coronavirus tracker
Tracking COVID-19 Cases in Vietnam
COVID-19 in NYC by Zip Code & Income
Visualizing the Network Meta-Analysis of Covid-19 Studies
xkcd COVID-19 spread sketch
COVID-19's deaths in Europe
Covid-19 (corona virus) deaths per 1,000,000 people
COVID-19 Bubble map or spike map? (Twitter debate)
A Timeline of Shelter-in-Place
Where’s that $2 trillion going?
Estimating SARS-COV-2 infections
CODAVIM - County
SARS-CoV-2 Epi Curve
COVID-19 Curves (U.S.)
COVID-19 Cases by County
COVID-19 world growth rate
A graphical experiment of exponential spread
COVID-19 by US county
COVID-19 Confirmed vs. New cases
"Live" Logistic Coronavirus Death Counter
Infografiche: COVID-19 in Italia
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Globe
Bar Chart Race, COVID-19 outbreak Worldwide to 24th March 2020
US Coronavirus testing by states
United States Coronavirus Daily Cases Map (COVID-19)
COVID-19 Numbers by State, Side by Side
Recreating NYT U.S. Cases Map
COVID-19 in Washington state
COVID-19 outbreak in maps and charts
COVID-19 Spreading trends
Restaurants during COVID-19 social distancing
COVID-19 Countries Trajectories in 3D
States that aren't reporting aspects of their COVID-19 testing process
Nextstrain Prototyping - Issue 817
Reviewing COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 preprints from medRxiv and bioRxiv
Coronavirus worldwide evolution
Covid-19 New Cases Punchcard
Covid-19 cases per district in Germany.
COVID-19 Cases, Deaths, and Recoveries (Select Country)
Quarantine Now
Emissions in Wuhan
COVID-19(nCOV-2019) Outbreak in S.Korea
Movement of population between provinces in 2019-nCoV
Comparing COVID-19 Growth
Covid-19 derived chart
Coronavirus Trends (COVID-19)
Netherlands Coronavirus Daily Cases Map (COVID-19)
Map and timeline of Corona outbreak
SARS-CoV-2 Phylogenetic Tree
Coronavirus data (covid-19)
Visualizing the Logic of Exponential Viral Spread
Italy Coronavirus Daily Cases Map (COVID-19)
COVID-19 Fatality Rate
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