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Rule mark


The rule mark is one of two marks in Plot for drawing horizontal or vertical lines; it should be used when the secondary position dimension, if any, is quantitative. When it is ordinal, use a tick.

The rule mark comes in two orientations: ruleY draws a horizontal↔︎ line with a given y value, while ruleX draws a vertical↕︎ line with a given x value. Rules are often used as annotations, say to mark the y = 0 baseline (in red below for emphasis) in a line chart.

020406080100120140160180↑ Close20142015201620172018Fork
  y: {
    grid: true
  marks: [
    Plot.ruleY([0], {stroke: "red"}),
    Plot.line(aapl, {x: "Date", y: "Close"})

As annotations, rules often have a hard-coded array of literal values as data. This shorthand utilizes the default identity definition of the rule’s position (y for ruleY and x for ruleX).

+0+20+40+60+80+100+120+140+160+180↑ Change in price (%)20142015201620172018Fork
  y: {
    type: "log",
    grid: true,
    label: "Change in price (%)",
    tickFormat: ((f) => (d) => f((d - 1) * 100))(d3.format("+d"))
  marks: [
    Plot.ruleY([1], {stroke: "red"}),
    Plot.line(aapl, Plot.normalizeY("first", {x: "Date", y: "Close"}))

Yet rules can also be used to visualize data. Below, a random normal distribution is plotted with rules, looking a bit like the emission spectrum of Hydrogen.

  x: {domain: [-4, 4]},
  marks: [
    Plot.ruleX({length: 500}, {x: d3.randomNormal(), strokeOpacity: 0.2})


Reducing opacity allows better perception of density when rules overlap.

Rules can also serve as an alternative to an area mark as in a band chart, provided the data is sufficiently dense: you can limit the extent of a rule along the secondary dimension (y1 and y2 channels for ruleX, and x1 and x2 channels for ruleY) rather than having it span the frame. And rules support a stroke color encoding. The rules below plot the daily minimum and maximum temperature for Seattle.

−505101520253035↑ Temperature (°C)2012201320142015
  y: {grid: true, label: "Temperature (°C)"},
  color: {scheme: "BuRd"},
  marks: [
    Plot.ruleX(seattle, {x: "date", y1: "temp_min", y2: "temp_max", stroke: "temp_min"})

In the dense candlestick chart below, three rules are drawn for each trading day: a gray rule spans the chart, showing gaps for weekends and holidays; a black rule spans the day’s low and high; and a green or red rule spans the day’s open and close.

60708090100110120130140150160170180190↑ Stock price ($)20142015201620172018Fork
  inset: 6,
  label: null,
  y: {grid: true, label: "Stock price ($)"},
  color: {type: "threshold", range: ["red", "green"]},
  marks: [
    Plot.ruleX(aapl, {x: "Date", y1: "Low", y2: "High"}),
    Plot.ruleX(aapl, {x: "Date", y1: "Open", y2: "Close", stroke: (d) => d.Close - d.Open, strokeWidth: 4})

Rules can be used to connect graphical elements, such as in the dot plot below showing the decline of The Simpsons. The rules indicate the extent (minimum and maximum) for each season, computed via the group transform, while a red line shows the median rating trend.

  marks: [
    Plot.ruleX(simpsons, Plot.groupX({y1: "min", y2: "max"}, {x: "season", y: "imdb_rating"})),, {x: "season", y: "imdb_rating", fill: "currentColor", stroke: "white"}),
    Plot.lineY(simpsons, Plot.groupX({y: "median"}, {x: "season", y: "imdb_rating", stroke: "red"}))

Rules can indicate uncertainty or error by setting the marker option to tick; this draws a small perpendicular line at the start and end of the rule. For example, to simulate ±10% error:

012345678910111213↑ frequency (%)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
  x: {label: null},
  y: {percent: true},
  marks: [
    Plot.barY(alphabet, {x: "letter", y: "frequency", fill: "blue"}),
    Plot.ruleX(alphabet, {x: "letter", y1: (d) => d.frequency * 0.9, y2: (d) => d.frequency * 1.1, marker: "tick"}),

Rules can also be a stylistic choice, as in the lollipop 🍭 chart below, serving the role of a skinny bar topped with a dot marker.

0123456789101112↑ frequency (%)ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZFork
  x: {label: null, tickPadding: 6, tickSize: 0},
  y: {percent: true},
  marks: [
    Plot.ruleX(alphabet, {x: "letter", y: "frequency", strokeWidth: 2, markerEnd: "dot"})

Rules are also used by the grid mark to draw grid lines.

Rule options

For the required channels, see ruleX and ruleY. The rule mark supports the standard mark options, including insets along its secondary dimension, and marker options to add a marker (such as a dot or an arrowhead) to the start or end of the rule. The stroke defaults to currentColor.

ruleX(data, options)

Plot.ruleX([0]) // as annotation
Plot.ruleX(alphabet, {x: "letter", y: "frequency"}) // like barY

Returns a new vertical↕︎ rule with the given data and options. The following channels are optional:

  • x - the horizontal position; bound to the x scale
  • y1 - the starting vertical position; bound to the y scale
  • y2 - the ending vertical position; bound to the y scale

If x is not specified, it defaults to identity and assumes that data = [x₀, x₁, x₂, …]. If x is null, the rule will be centered horizontally in the plot frame.

If y is specified, it is shorthand for y2 with y1 equal to zero; this is the typical configuration for a vertical lollipop chart with rules aligned at y = 0. If y1 is not specified, the rule will start at the top of the plot (or facet). If y2 is not specified, the rule will end at the bottom of the plot (or facet).

If an interval is specified, such as d3.utcDay, y1 and y2 can be derived from y: interval.floor(y) is invoked for each y to produce y1, and interval.offset(y1) is invoked for each y1 to produce y2. If the interval is specified as a number n, y1 and y2 are taken as the two consecutive multiples of n that bracket y. Named UTC intervals such as day are also supported; see scale options.

ruleY(data, options)

Plot.ruleY([0]) // as annotation
Plot.ruleY(alphabet, {y: "letter", x: "frequency"}) // like barX

Returns a new horizontal↔︎ rule with the given data and options. The following channels are optional:

  • y - the vertical position; bound to the y scale
  • x1 - the starting horizontal position; bound to the x scale
  • x2 - the ending horizontal position; bound to the x scale

If y is not specified, it defaults to identity and assumes that data = [y₀, y₁, y₂, …]. If y is null, the rule will be centered vertically in the plot frame.

If x is specified, it is shorthand for x2 with x1 equal to zero; this is the typical configuration for a horizontal lollipop chart with rules aligned at x = 0. If x1 is not specified, the rule will start at the left edge of the plot (or facet). If x2 is not specified, the rule will end at the right edge of the plot (or facet).

If an interval is specified, such as d3.utcDay, x1 and x2 can be derived from x: interval.floor(x) is invoked for each x to produce x1, and interval.offset(x1) is invoked for each x1 to produce x2. If the interval is specified as a number n, x1 and x2 are taken as the two consecutive multiples of n that bracket x. Named UTC intervals such as day are also supported; see scale options.