Observable Framework 1.7.0 GitHub️ 1.9k


Arquero is a JavaScript library for “query processing and transformation of array-backed data tables.” Arquero is available by default as aq in Markdown, but you can import it explicitly like so:

import * as aq from "npm:arquero";

Following the documentation website’s introduction, let’s create a table of the Average hours of sunshine per month, from usclimatedata.com.

const dt = aq.table({
  "Seattle": [69, 108, 178, 207, 253, 268, 312, 281, 221, 142, 72, 52],
  "Chicago": [135, 136, 187, 215, 281, 311, 318, 283, 226, 193, 113, 106],
  "San Francisco": [165, 182, 251, 281, 314, 330, 300, 272, 267, 243, 189, 156]

Arquero is column-oriented: each column is an array of values of a given type. Here, numbers representing hours of sunshine per month. But an Arquero table is also iterable and as such, its contents can be displayed with Inputs.table.

Inputs.table(dt, {maxWidth: 640})

An Arquero table can also be used to make charts with Observable Plot:

  width: Math.min(width, 640),
  x: {tickFormat: Plot.formatMonth()},
  y: {grid: true, label: "Hours of sunshine ☀️ per month"},
  marks: [
    Plot.lineY(dt, {y: "Seattle", marker: true, stroke: "red"}),
    Plot.lineY(dt, {y: "Chicago", marker: true, stroke: "turquoise"}),
    Plot.lineY(dt, {y: "San Francisco", marker: true, stroke: "orange"})

Arquero supports a range of data transformation tasks, including filter, sample, aggregation, window, join, and reshaping operations. For example, the following operation derives differences between Seattle and Chicago and sorts the months accordingly.

const diffs = dt.derive({
    month: (d) => aq.op.row_number(),
    diff: (d) => d.Seattle - d.Chicago
  .select("month", "diff")

display(Inputs.table(diffs, {maxWidth: 640}));

Is Seattle more correlated with San Francisco or Chicago?

const correlations = dt.rollup({
  corr_sf: aq.op.corr("Seattle", "San Francisco"),
  corr_chi: aq.op.corr("Seattle", "Chicago")

display(Inputs.table(correlations, {maxWidth: 640}));

We can aggregate statistics per city. The following code reshapes (or “folds”) the data into two columns city & sun and shows the output as objects:

dt.fold(aq.all(), {as: ["city", "sun"]})
    min: (d) => aq.op.min(d.sun), // functional form of op.min('sun')
    max: (d) => aq.op.max(d.sun),
    avg: (d) => aq.op.average(d.sun),
    med: (d) => aq.op.median(d.sun),
    // functional forms permit flexible table expressions
    skew: ({sun: s}) => (aq.op.mean(s) - aq.op.median(s)) / aq.op.stdev(s) || 0

For more, see Arquero’s official documentation.