Toggle input
API · Source · The toggle input allows the user to choose one of two values, representing on or off. It is a specialized form of the checkbox input.
The initial value of a toggle defaults to false. You can override this by specifying the value option.
const mute = view(Inputs.toggle({label: "Mute", value: true}));
The on and off values of a toggle can be changed with the values option which defaults to [true, false].
const binary = view(Inputs.toggle({label: "Binary", values: [1, 0]}));
The label can be either a text string or an HTML element. This allows more control over the label’s appearance, if desired.
const fancy = view(Inputs.toggle({label: html`<b>Fancy</b>`}));
A toggle can be disabled to prevent its value from being changed.
const frozen = view(Inputs.toggle({label: "Frozen", value: true, disabled: true}));
The available toggle input options are:
- label - a label; either a string or an HTML element
- values - the two values to toggle between; defaults to [true, false]
- value - the initial value; defaults to the second value (false)
- disabled - whether input is disabled; defaults to false