Release notes

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New UI for organizing data apps and notebooks

  • Observable Framework projects are now called “data apps” because they’re apps, they show data, and too many things are called “projects”.

  • The site navigation has been reorganized into “Data apps”, “Notebooks”, “Team”, and “Settings” (⚙). Schedules, secrets, databases, and embed keys (formerly “notebook keys”) are now under “Notebooks”. Recent activity, members, and groups are now under “Team”. “Settings” now covers controls for workspace owners only, like billing and privacy.

  • You can see which notebooks you’ve liked within the current workspace. You can still see your likes across all workspaces (alongside personal settings) if you click your profile picture in the upper right.

  • The new “Help” menu in the upper right consolidates links to get support, read documentation, and see examples.

Observable Framework 1.11.0

New features

Bug fixes and other improvements

  • The build command now empties the output root before building.

  • The convert command now outputs to the source root by default.

  • Fix rendering of command-line select prompts with many choices.

  • Inputs.file now supports the file.href property.

  • Pages now include a <meta name="generator"> tag.

  • Use CREATE TABLE for small Parquet files with DuckDBClient.of.

  • Fix building when SQL front matter refers to a remote file.

New examples and documentation

See release notes on GitHub for more details.

Observable Framework 1.10.1

  • Allow opt-out of link normalization via <a href rel="external">

  • Fix crash attempting to preserve expanded state.

  • Fix content hashes of global imports in _observablehq, _npm, and more.

  • Optimize resize to ignore height changes for unary render functions.

  • Improve slugify algorithm used for Markdown header anchors.

See release notes on GitHub for more details.

Observable Framework 1.10.0

  • Add FileAttachment.arquero for loading an Arrow, Parquet, CSV, TSV, or JSON file as an Arquero table.

  • Inputs.table now supports the select option to suppress user selection (checkboxes).

  • In narrow windows, you can now close the floating sidebar with Escape.

  • The inspector now preserves the deep expanded state for dynamic values.

  • Fix a bug where expanded inspected values would not be cleaned up on invalidation.

  • Fix a crash when expanding inspected values while certain text is selected.

  • Fix a spurious error when using Control-C to terminate the preview server.

  • Fix modulepreload for local components during preview.

  • Optimize imports of npm:react-dom.

  • Tweak format of project identifiers in prompts during deploy.

  • Fix spinner rendering when not in a TTY.

See release notes on GitHub for more details.

Observable Plot 0.6.16

  • Add the waffle mark 🧇 for comparing countable quantities.

  • Add support for GeoJSON data and GeoJSON property shorthand to all marks.

  • Add support for the tip option to the geo mark (via an implicit centroid transform).

  • Add support for Apache Arrow as native data, allowing channel shorthand.

  • Add per-side and per-corner rounding options (r, rx1, ry1, etc.) to rect-like marks.

  • Add className mark option.

  • Add differenceX and shiftY.

  • Change the tip mark to ignore channels of literal color values.

  • Optimize clip path rendering.

  • Fix marker options on lines with variable aesthetics.

  • Fix the default plot height when a projection domain is set.

  • Fix the default plot height when the ordinal y scale domain is empty.

  • Fix the Voronoi mark with the pointer transform.

  • Fix the Voronoi mark with non-exclusive facets.

  • Fix detection of date columns with Apache Arrow data.

See release notes on GitHub for more details.

UI updates to workspace homepage

  • The workspace sidebar has been reorganized into Projects, Notebooks, and Settings.

  • Instead of a “Home” link, click your workspace name to navigate back to your workspace.

  • Database and Membership pages have been removed from the sidebar, but are still accessible through the the Settings section.

  • Links to pages that were previously found in the lower left corner of the side bar can now be located within the top navigation bar. (e.g. documentation, trending notebooks, etc.)

  • The “Learn” and “Quick guides” sections are now only displayed to new users. Quick guides can still be found at

Observable Framework 1.9

  • 🎉 JSX + React: Use React components in Observable Framework with JSX fenced code blocks and JSX modules.

  • Inline expressions ${…} now feature significantly improved parsing and rendering.

  • New data loader examples and other improvements.

See release notes on GitHub for more details.

New workspace viewer pricing

  • Pro workspaces can now add workspace viewers for $10 per viewer per month. Viewers can view private projects and notebooks in the workspace. Viewers can also comment on notebooks, but they cannot edit them. Previously, all users were licensed at the same rate, regardless of permissions. This new pricing structure makes it more efficient for teams to share their data apps broadly across their organizations.

For more details, view the docs.

Observable Framework 1.8

  • Sidebar sections now support header links, allowing you to directly access the main page of a section while also expanding the sidebar to display related pages.

  • Improvements to the pager option allow you to define custom sequences for next & previous links in footer.

  • New examples added to the examples directory.

See release notes on GitHub for more details.

Observable Framework 1.7.1

  • The build command now outputs page stats during build so you can easily keep an eye on page weight for a great user experience.

  • Other bug fixes.

See release notes on GitHub for more details.

Observable Framework 1.7

  • The default source root is now src.

  • Markdown enhancements: new typographer and quotes options for smart quotes, and linkify option.

  • Improved Node import compatibility.

  • Faster incremental deploys to Observable.

See release notes on GitHub for more details.