Annotations help to add context and focus to a chart. They can be static, when the chart designer wants to highlight elements such as outliers or inflection points to tell a story. Chart annotations can also be interactive, with the user driving the exploration with the mouse. Annotations might be bound to the data (like interactive tips showing details on demand), or simply reflect the current mouse position in the coordinate system, giving the user a sense of orientation. We sometimes want to make annotations work across series (in particular for time series), or across facets (e.g. for easier cross-chart comparisons when data are split across small multiples) within a larger data visualization.
In this post, we explore five chart annotation patterns that can improve user engagement in data visualizations, and share code to help you build more effective charts in Observable Plot.
“If you make a tooltip or rollover, assume no one will ever see it,” said Archie Tse, Graphics Director at The New York Times, in 2016. Making an interactive tip with a visible default state when the user is not interacting helps inject more editorial guidance into a data visualization — while still allowing the engaged user to drive their own exploration of the details.
Starting from a recent example published in the New York Times (a timeline tracking electoral polls), we implement a pointer-driven mark that defaults to a static annotation when the user is not interacting with the chart. As soon as they start hovering over the chart, the user seamlessly takes control of the chart annotation and can start exploring on their own, helping drive increased user engagement.
Learn about the logic in this step-by-step walkthrough on implementing pointer-driven marks in Plot.
Plot’s crosshair uses the pointer transform to snap to the data. In some cases, you’ll want the interaction to report instead on the current pointer position in the data space — to give a sense of orientation, or to understand where there is no data. A continuous crosshair thus focuses on the axes in the coordinate system. This also allows a chart to be an input for coordinates ⟨x, y⟩.
See how to implement continuous crosshairs in Plot, and check out how they’re useful when exploring the diamonds dataset.
Reacting to the pointer-driven marks notebook described above, Yuri Vishnevsky asked: “Can we highlight all ‘related points’ across all facets when hovering on a single point?”
The answer, as shown below and implemented in this notebook, is yes. With cross-facet crosshairs, the chart becomes an input for coordinates ⟨x, y, fx, fy⟩. (As an aside, this features an alternative implementation of the continuous crosshair.)
See the code to create cross-facet crosshairs in Plot.
Sometimes you have a lot of tick labels to display on an axis — too many, in fact, to be readable due to overlap. A classic technique to avoid occlusion is to stagger axis text on alternating rows. But what if a two-row stagger still doesn’t solve your occlusion issues?
Here, we take text staggering to the extreme by offsetting labels across 10 rows (below, for a bioinformatics chart visualizing protein sequences) to keep a great number of tick labels separated and readable. For even more clarity, the axis text follows the pointer, highlighting the aligned tick label as a user hovers over the chart series.
See the code to create staggered axes in Plot.
A very common annotation pattern, for charts with multiple series, is to add an interactive tip that simultaneously displays the y values for all the series at a given x position (say, by date).
In this example, we use Plot’s render option — which lets you override or extend the default mark’s rendering method — to create a custom tip mark that shows the current value of all series in a stacked area chart.
See how we create grouped tips in Plot.
Annotations add context and help viewers dive into the data for deeper insights and deliver a more engaging user experience. The five examples above highlight unique and useful chart annotation patterns, implemented in Observable Plot. To start creating custom, interactive charts with Plot, here’s where to start:
Visit the Observable Plot documentation and gallery
Start exploring and prototyping in Observable Notebooks
Transfer your work into rich, fast Framework dashboards