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Workspace settings

The Settings pages allow you to configure your workspaces.

Click your avatar and then Settings to display the Settings pages.

A screenshot of the left navigation with the Settings item highlighted
Click Settings to view the workspace Settings pages.

If you belong to multiple workspaces, you can switch between them by clicking on the top left workspace avatar.

Starter and Pro workspaces

A screenshot of the settings navigation menu, listing options for General, Membership, Secrets, Databases, API Keys, and Billing
Settings for Starter and Pro workspaces.

For workspace settings in general, note that only workspace owners will see all workspace settings, as some features, such as changing workspace roles, are only available to owners.


Workspace owners can configure the workspace's account, profile, and preferences.

  • Account
    • Set or change the workspace's username (which appears in the URLs of the workspace's profile and notebooks).
    • Change the workspace tier (for example, from a Free workspace to a Pro workspace).
    • Set or change the email address to receive notifications and messaging about the workspace account.
  • Profile
    • Customize the workspace's avatar and banner.
    • Set the workspace's display name.
    • Write a brief workspace biography.
    • Specify workspace web sites.
    • Specify a publicly-visible email address for the workspace.
  • Preferences
    • Choose whether or not to use Prettier to format code in all workspace notebooks.
    • Enable or disable newly-created notebooks from being private (not shared with the workspace).


ProLearn more about Pro

Allows you to invite people to become new workspace members, change their roles, or remove them from the workspace. Current and invited workspace members appear in a list, along with their roles. If an invited workspace member has not yet accepted, their name appears with a Pending label. You will also find pricing information for roles that incur a monthly charge.

In the Invite by domain section, you can setup a domain and default role from which users from your organization will be invited to join your workspace during their account signup process. Once invited, users will automatically have access to all the available assets in that workspace. To note, only owners will be able to see this option in their workspace settings.


Shared secrets for use in your workspace's private notebooks. Use secrets to store API keys and other sensitive values you don’t want to hard-code in notebooks.


Shared database connections for your workspace's private notebooks.

API Keys

Use API keys to securely load and embed private notebooks outside of Observable.

Billing (visible only to workspaces owners)

You can change your subscription by altering either the tier or the billing period, and edit the payment method. The timing of your current billing cycle, and the next billing cycle are shown, as well as invoices.

Billing is described in detail in below.

Enterprise workspaces

The settings for Enterprise workspaces are identical to the settings for Starter and Pro workspaces, with the exception of Groups and Permissions.


EnterpriseLearn more about Enterprise
A screenshot of the Groups section in the settings, showing different groups with their members
Enterprise workspaces have a Groups section.

Groups allow you to share notebooks, collections, database connections and secrets for defined list of users. Under the Membership section in your Enterprise workspace settings, you'll find a section for Groups. There you can create a new group by clicking on the "New Group" button, adding a name to your group, and selecting workspace members to that group. Owners and editors in your Enterprise workspace can create new groups. A workspace editor can add or remove other workspace members from a group that they are a member of, and they can also delete a group that they are on. A workspace owner can edit or delete any group.

Once you've set up your group, you can share content like you normally would for any individual user. For example, on a notebook, clicking on the share modal and searching for workspace members will also return Groups, allowing you to easily grant access to multiple workspace members. Like users, you can grant a group edit and/or view access to content.

Screenshot of the Permissions tab in the Settings, showing checkboxes to enable or disable team editors managing public content and file attachments.
Enterprise team options.

Protecting team assets

EnterpriseLearn more about Enterprise

In order to protect team assets, public notebooks (listed or unlisted) do not have access to secrets and database connections.

In addition, as a team owner, you can configure whether you want to limit who in the team can make content public, by checking a box in the permissions tab of your team settings, as shown earlier. For more information about this feature, please refer to this notebook.

You can also select whether you want to allow File Attachments in your team’s workspace.

Authentication and identity management

EnterpriseLearn more about Enterprise

As an Enterprise Team owner, you can require all team members to be authenticated against your domain(s). This protects your team assets from access by team members after they leave the organization.

This allows Enterprise customers to require that team members authenticate against a specific domain (or a group of domains) to gain access to the Team’s content on Observable. For team members who authenticate to Observable using other providers (personal Gmail accounts, GitHub, Twitter), they will be required to authenticate to both their personal authentication provider as well as your organization before gaining access to your team on Observable.

In addition, we also regularly check for a valid domain authentication and will request re-authentication if that check fails (for example, if someone is removed from your organization).

Screenshot of the user home page, listing the teams a user has access to, with the middle one showing as locked.
You can require team members to authenticate themselves against your domain.

Single sign-on

EnterpriseLearn more about Enterprise

Enterprise customers may avail of federated log-in using Gsuite and custom SSO providers.

"Single Sign-On" or SSO is the term used to describe the process where a user's identity is authenticated by an identity provider service for use with multiple applications. With SSO, users can have a single user name and password that works across all of the applications they use. Observable supports SSO using external identity provider services with built-in support for Google, GitHub, and Microsoft identity providers.

A feature available to Observable Enterprise teams allows them to associate their logins with their own additional identity provider service, like Okta Identity Cloud or OneLogin, using the standard OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol. See the docs for more information about support for Enterprise SSO.

Billing & upgrades


You must be a workspace owner to make changes affecting workspace membership or billing.

ProLearn more about Pro

Billing information: The workspace's previous invoices as well as estimated charges for the next billing cycle can be viewed in Settings > Billing.

Inviting workspace members: You are not charged until the invitation is accepted, which causes the workspace's subscription quantity to be incremented. However, this does not immediately trigger a new invoice.

  • If you are billed monthly, your next invoice will include a prorated amount for the fraction of the billing cycle used by the new workspace member(s).
  • If you are billed annually, we will send a new invoice within a month of the change (if there was a net add to the workspace), to true up the annual license to the new subscription amount. This allows you to remove and add new workspace members and only deal with the net changes of the workspace composition once a month.

Invitations expire after 10 days, so you may need to re-invite members if they wait too long to accept the invitation.

Removing workspace members: Decrements the subscription quantity. You do not receive a refund if you remove workspace members during a billing cycle, but adding workspace members back would not result in a new charge.

Switching from monthly to annual billing: You can switch from monthly to annual billing, which will set a new billing cycle and immediately charge you for the year.

Switching from annual to monthly billing: It is likely that the invoice amount will be zero assuming that the prorated credit for billing annually is greater than the new monthly bill (that is, assuming that you switch to monthly billing more than one month from the end of your billing cycle). Your future monthly charges will be credited with the remainder of your annual payment.

Changing to a different workspace tier: You can change the tier from Settings.

Go to Settings > General, then click Change tier:

The General settings tab, showing the Change tier button highlighted.
Click Change tier to display the Change subscription modal.


In a Pro or Enterprise workspace, you can also reach the Change subscription modal from Settings > Billing (visible only to workspace owners).

The Change subscription modal allows you to select a different workspace tier.

Subscription cancellation: When a workspace owner cancels the subscription by pressing the “Cancel subscription” link on the billing screen:

  • The workspace will stay active until the end of the current billing period, at which point the workspace will be changed to the Starter tier.
  • While cancelled, a workspace owner may not add or remove workspace members, and outstanding invitations will not be accepted. They may, however, resubscribe.
  • If, at the end of the current billing cycle, the workspace has too many members or deployed projects, the workspace will be set to a read-only state and the owner will need to reduce members and projects (or resubscribe to Pro) in order to edit notebooks or projects.

(This is also described in our terms of service.)

Workspace deletion: A workspace owner can request that the workspace be deleted by clicking the 'Delete workspace' button on the general settings page:

  • The workspace is marked as deleted, and stops appearing in search results, on public listings, and in the user menu of workspace members.
  • All workspace notebooks, collections, secrets, and database credentials are deleted.
  • If the workspace owner added people to the workspace before deleting, there could be a final bill, which will be immediately charged.

Lapsed workspaces:

  • The workspace owner will be notified about failed payment(s).
  • If there is no response, the subscription will be cancelled, and the workspace will either be changed to the Starter tier, or, if there are more members or projects than the Starter tier can accept, it will become read-only.
  • In order to reactivate a lapsed account, the workspace owner must submit valid payment information or reduce members and projects in order to change to the Starter tier.