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TeX cell


For the mathematically inclined, you can use KaTeX leveraging our mathematical formula cell.

To create a TeX cell, click the + above or below a cell to open the add cell menu and select Mathematical formula.

A screenshot of the word ‘math’ typed into the add cell menu, with the “Mathematical formula” option selected.
Type “math”, then choose Mathematical formula.

The cell is pre-filled with some example TeX:

c = \pm\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}
An open mathematical formula cell with code for the formula c equals the square root of a squared plus b squared in the code section of the cell and the rendered formula above in the presentation part of the cell.
The mathematical formula boilerplate code rendered.

Use this if helpful, or replace with your own custom inline TeX code:

E = mc^2
An open mathematical formula cell with code for the formula e equals m c squared in code in the code section of the cell with the rendered scientific formula above in the presentation part of the cell.

or more complicated blocks of TeX:

\Delta E^*_{00} = \sqrt{
  \Big(\frac{\Delta L'}{k_LS_L}\Big)^2 +
  \Big(\frac{\Delta C'}{k_CS_C}\Big)^2 +
  \Big(\frac{\Delta H'}{k_HS_H}\Big)^2 +
  \frac{\Delta C'}{k_CS_C}
  \frac{\Delta H'}{k_HS_H}}
An open mathematical formula cell with a lot of TeX code in the code section and a very complicated resulting rendered formula in the presentation section.
A block of TeX in a mathematical formula cell.

For more details, please check out KaTeX's document website.