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Data table cell


The data table cell cell mode provides you with an easy way to put your data in table form. You can quickly scan multiple columns of information and mouse over the top-of-column summaries to explore the range of values.

An open notebook with the title 'A screenshot of Observable's data table cell. There is a table with six visible columns: 'CustomerId', 'FirstName', 'LastName', 'Address', and 'City'. There is a search bar under the table columns and under that there are some action buttons: 'Filter', 'Columns', 'Sort', and 'Slice.'
Observable's data table cell.

There are multiple data wrangling options available with the data table cell:

  • Filter - Limit displayed results to matched criteria.
  • Columns (Show/Hide) - Show or hide only certain columns.
  • Derive columns - create new columns derived from the original columns using JavaScript.
  • Sort - Sort columns into ascending or descending order.
  • Slice - Define a slice of data so that only limited rows are shown.

Add a data table cell

To create a data table cell, click the + above or below a cell to open the add cell menu and select Data table.

The add cell menu opened showing the dropdown options for four table types with 'Data table' being first and highlighted, followed by 'JavaScript table', 'Markdown table', and 'HTML table'.'
The “Data table” option in the add cell menu.

Select a data source

Data table cell supports Apache Parquet, Apache Arrow, CSV, TSV, and JSON file types that have tabular data, as well as database connections. In addition, any named cell in your notebook that already contains tabular data (i.e. an array of objects), you can select that as a data source.

A zoomed-in screenshot of the left side of the Data editor toolbar. The cell is named 'cell 4', the dropdown button to select a data source is highlighted with a red rectangle around it.
Click to select a data source.

Database connections

When working with relational databases, you must select a specific table to view:

The 'Select a table' dropdown here is highlighted with a red rectangle in the data table cell editor.
Select the dropdown to select a table after you have chosen a database.
The 'Select a table' dropdown here is opened such that you can see the optional tables to select.
Select a table from the menu.


If you selected a BigQuery database, you need to enter the projectname.schemaname.tablename, rather than selecting a table name.

Modifying data

There are many different ways you can wrangle data with the data table cell, such as filtering, sorting, showing/hiding columns, deriving new columns and slicing.


Data table offers robust filtering options.

The data table cell Filter button in the data table cell editor highlighted within the outline of a red rectangle.
Select Filter to define filtering conditions to apply.

When you click on Filter, you will see a menu that asks you to specify a colum and an operator.

The Filter button activated reveals the Column and Operator dropdowns for filtering. Here the Column dropdown is opened showing the options for Column.
Select the black triangle to display the available choices for the Column field.

Once you have selected an item from the Column menu, appropriate choices appear in the Operator menu, and an additional field appears so that you can enter detailed criteria:

The Filter button activated and an option chosen from the Column menu reveals appropriate choices in the Operator menu and a field for entering detailed criteria.
After you select a Column item, appropriate fields appear so that you can specify additional criteria.

The types of comparison operators available depend on the type of value in the Column field. For example, string values allow for is, is not, contains, while numeric values allow for <, >, or is not null.

Additional Notes
  • Object values do not support operators.
  • You can define multiple filter criteria. Once you complete the first row of filter criteria, a second row appears. You can then define filter criteria based on a second column of data.
  • It is possible to define filter criteria that are contradictory.
  • The order in which you define the filtering criteria does not matter.
  • To delete a row of filter criteria, click the "x" that appears to the right of each row.

Show and hide columns

Click Columns to display the list of table columns.

The data table cell editor with the Columns button highlighted with a red rectangle outline.
Select Columns to display the list of table columns.

The resulting list displays checkboxes indicating which columns are to be shown.

The Columns button activated reveals multiple checkboxes, one for each column that can be turned off and on by checking the respective box.
Checkboxes indicate the columns to show.

By default, all columns are shown. You can hide specific columns by unchecking the checkbox for a given column.

If you hover the pointer over an individual item in the list, the word only appears. If you click only, all other columns are de-selected.

The Columns button activated reveals multiple checkboxes. The third one down, 'country', is selected by select the only button as the only column to show.
Select only to show only that column.

To restore all columns to visibility, select Show all.

The Column button in the data table cell editor activated reveals multiple checkboxes with only the third, 'country' selected. The Show all button in the upper right-hand corner of the area is highlighted.
Select Show all to restore all columns.

Note that if you de-select all columns one-by-one and then add them back individually, the columns appear in the order in which they are added. Selecting Show all (or selecting all columns) restores the original display order.

Create new columns for column derivations

New columns, derived from the original columns, can also be added to the data table cell. To do so, click the + button in the upper right-hand corner of the table view, as seen here:

The data table cell has the Observable native cars data loaded in. In the upper right-hand corner of the data table cell area is a <b>+</b> button highlighted with a red rectangle outline.
Select the + button in the upper-right side of the table to create a new column.

and the new column will appear highlighted in blue to the right of the original columns:

A data table cell with the newly made column on the far right highlighted with a red rectangle outline.
The new column will appear to the right of the columns already shown.

The editor also appears when you first create a column:

The data table cell with the data table cell editor focused on to the new power to weight column as the column is first being created.
The editor appears at the bottom of the Data table cell.

which allows you to name your new column and define the derivation with an expression.


Data types for derived columns are inferred and overridable just like the other columns in the table.

After you click the Done button, the view of the Data cell table will revert back to normal. However, you can edit an existing expression as needed by clicking the {} icon in the column heading:

The data table cell with the data table cell editor focused on the newly created column power to weight, with the {} button at the top of the power to weight column activated as it activates the data table cell editor to be focused on the power to weight column.
To reopen the editor for editing the column name and expression, select the {} in the column heading.

Writing expressions to define a newly created column

A built-in object called row allows you to access other column data that can then be applied to each row one at a time in the derived column. For instance, the above screenshot derives a new "power to weight" column by dividing the value from each row in the "power (hp)" column by value from each row in the "weight (lb)" column.

You can perform most of the computation available in normal JavaScript cells. This includes the ability to write arbitrary JavaScript expressions, reference the output of other cells, and call functions defined in other cells. There are some notable limitations to what you can do with this cell:

  • You cannot render HTML or a Plot in the cell.
  • You cannot render an input in the cell.
  • You cannot reference another derived cell.
  • You cannot access an entire column of data from within the expression cell (i.e. all of the rows at once), only each row one at a time (i.e. using the row object).

Error Handling for deriving new columns

There are a couple of scenarios that cause errors with column derivation:

  • Referencing a bad or non-existent column name, or make a syntax error in the expression cell, the table produces invalid results like undefined or NaN.
The data table cell with the data table cell editor showing code meant to access a row in order to define the new column. Because the row doesn't exist, the column has a bad definition and is therefore filled with 'undefined' values in every row.
Referencing a bad or non-existent name in the expression editor.
  • When you run the cell using either Shift+Enter or the play button, but include a mistake that causes a runtime error (for instance, by using an undefined variable) the data table cell collapses other than the column headings, a search field, and the expression editor. You can then use the expression editor to fix the code.
The data table cell showing a runtime error and no tabular data. The data table cell expression editor is open allowing the user to fix the error.
A runtime error when you enter Shift+Enter or select the play button.
  • When you cause a runtime error, but select the Done button instead of Shift+Enter or the play button first, the table collapses and the expression editor is closed. You can open the editor back up by selecting the {} button at the top of the new column and fix your the code accordingly.
The data table cell showing a runtime error and no tabular data. The data table cell expression editor is closed and not showing so it might be unclear to the user how to reopen.
Select the {} button to reopen the data table cell expression editor.


Use Sort to arrange the items in the table into order:

The data table cell editor with the Sort button highlighted with a red rectangle outline.
Select Sort to define the sorting criteria.

using any of the columns as a sort key:

A zoomed in screenshot of the data table cell editor with the Sort button activated reveals the Column and Direction dropdowns. The Columns dropdown is open showing the available columns to select.
Select the black triangle to display the available sort key choices for the Column field.

You can define multiple sort keys, which is useful when there are duplicate values in some columns.

For each sort key column, use the Direction pulldown to select a Descending sort or an Ascending sort.

A zoomed in screenshot of the data table cell editor with the Sort button activated reveals the Column and Direction dropdowns. The selection user_id shows in the Columns dropdown and the options Descending and Ascending are shown in the Direction dropdown.
Choose either a Descending or an Ascending sort order.

You may wish to define your Filter criteria first, to limit the returned results, and then do sorting.


Use Slice to display only a limited number of rows from the table—for example, the first N rows. (You may want to define your filter and sorting criteria first.)

The data table cell editor with the Slice button highlighted with a red rectangle outline.
Select Slice to define a reduced portion of the tabular data to display

By default, Slice is set to display rows 0-1000:

The Slice button activated in the data table cell editor reveals a From and To radio button with a number selector next to each. There is another radio button on the opposite side of the number selector named 'Start' and 'End' respectively
Select Start to start the slice from the start of the data. Select End to conclude the slice at the end of the data.

Once you have defined the lower and upper limits of the slice, press Enter to apply the limits (or click the Slice button again).

Summary charts

These small graphics at the top of each column provide a quick summary of key data characteristics for each column below.

A zoomed in screenshot of the top of the first four columns of a data table cell.
Each small chart provides a summary of that column's data. Columns are width-adjustable.

Note also, that the small charts are interactive. When you hover the pointer over each chart, you can get even more detailed information. By sliding your mouse along the displayed values, you can see individual values for each histogram or bar chart segment. Compare the following figure with the previous one:

In this screenshot, the same four columns from the last screenshot are shown with only the Adelie species selected in the Summary Chart. The Summary chart that signifies this is highlighted in a red rectangle outline.
Highlighting an individual value in a summary chart causes the text above to reflect that value's data.

By hovering over the dark bar in the highlighted chart above, we now see additional information:

  • The bar represents 152 rows of the total, or 44%.
  • The variety of penguin selected is "Adelie".

Here is another example, this time a histogram. Before hovering under an individual vertical bar:

A zoomed in screenshot of the top of the flipper_length_mm column from the last screenshot. It shows a histogram in the summary statistics area.
Highlighting an individual value in a summary chart causes the text above to reflect that value's data.

Here is the same histogram, after the pointer is hovered just under the tallest vertical bar:

A zoomed in screenshot of the top of the flipper_length_mm column with the largest column highlighted with the range of that column shown.
Highlighting an individual value in a summary chart causes the text above to reflect that value's data.

We now see additional information:

  • The bar represents 62 rows of the total, or 18%.
  • The values in that column range from 190 to 195.

Null sign results

Earlier we saw a histogram bar with the null sign:

A zoomed in screenshot of the top of the flipper_length_mm column with a vertical red rectangle outline around the null column at the far right of the histogram shown in the summary statistics area.
The null sign represents invalid values.

This bar represents results that are invalid. Hovering under this bar causes a message to that effect to be displayed. If you click the bar, the column will display the invalid results. In the following example, "NaN" stands for "Not a Number".

"NaN" stands for "Not a Number".

To de-select the invalid results, select the null set bar again.

Selecting results

By pressing the Command/Ctrl key while clicking on a summary chart, you can select partial results in a column. Only the selected results display:

The top of the species column in a data table cell shows Adelie and Gentoo species selected and Chinstrap not selected.
Use the Command/Ctrl key to select results within a column.

Notice also that the background shading of the column changes. To clear the selection, click on the selected result again.

For a column displaying continuous results in a histogram, you can define a selection range, which can be adjusted in size, or dragged to a new location.


When defining a selection range, be sure the crosshair (+) cursor is visible.

To clear a selection in a histogram, click the crosshair cursor outside the selection (but still in the histogram area).

Saving column result selections

If you have defined a column result selection, as described in Selecting results above, you can click the blue Save button and your selections are saved as a filter:

The data cell editor with a filter selected shows that only Adelie and Gentoo species are selected within species and not Chinstrap. There is a 'Save' button in the top right-hand corner of the screenshot indicating how to save the results.
Column result selections can be saved as a filter.

To clear the filter, select the X at the right of the filter specification.

Text results

If the column contains values that are best represented by text only, the summary charts display a descriptive message:

The name and brand columns of a data table cell show that the brand column has all values equaling the string 'Google'.
Summary charts display text when appropriate.

Interacting with rows of data

In addition to interacting with the columns in the summary charts, you can interact with the rows of data. Hovering over a row of data causes individual marks in the summary chart to highlight.

In the following example, the pointer is hovered over the highlighted row. The summary charts have changed to reflect the values in that row.

Some rows of the four columns of a data table cell populated with penguin data shows one of the rows as selected, which is highlighted with a red rectangle outline. The summary charts at the tops of the columns show just the data from that row as selected.
Hovering over a row of data highlights individual marks in the summary charts.


The summary charts are an extension of previous work on the Summary Table

Convert to SQL

If you want to create a hand-tuned SQL query on selected results, you can convert a populated data table cell to a SQL cell. Select the + below a data table cell and select Convert to SQL.

The add cell menu opened up shows two suggestions for the current cell, cell 94: 'Create Chart' and 'Convert to SQL'. The 'Convert to SQL' option is selected and highlighted in blue with the option being highlighted again by a red rectangle outline to point out the UI element.
Select Convert to SQL to make a new SQL cell with the equivalent query.

A new SQL cell appears, with the same columns, filters, sorts, and slices:

A data table cell having been converted to a SQL cell looks similar but now there is a SQL editor section at the bottom highlighted with a red rectangle outline.
The SQL code in the converted cell.

Additional info

  • If you want to refer to the results from your data table cell in another cell, you will need to give the data table cell a name.
  • You can also use a custom database client as a data source for a data table cell. In order for a database client to be recognized as a valid data source, it must satisfy the requirements outlined in DatabaseClient Specification.