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Database clients


The following is a list of database types we support in notebooks, along with instructions on how to connect to them.

Amazon Redshift (PostgreSQL driver)

See our standard instructions for Connecting to databases, choosing PostgreSQL for the database Type where prompted.


See our standard instructions for Connecting to databases.


See our standard instructions for Connecting to databases.



This content is updated from Alex Garcia's original notebook Hello, Datasette.

Datasette allows you to easily publish a SQLite database online, with a helpful UI for exploring the dataset and an API that you can use to programmatically query the database with SQL.

This client, which you can import into your own notebooks, simplifies access to that API, allowing you to query Datasette instances using Observable's new SQL cell.

Make sure your Datasette instance has CORS enabled (pass in the --cors flag), and it will be ready to go with Observable.

To use in your Observable notebook, first import the client:

import {DatasetteClient} from "@ambassadors/datasette-client"

To create a new database cell that points to a Datasette instance, use new DatasetteClient(url) like so:

congress = new DatasetteClient(

Now you can use the congress cell as a database in a SQL cell. Insert a new SQL cell from the Add cell menu, then choose the database as a source (note that congress is selected as the database in the SQL cell below):

Screen shot showing an example SQL query, written in a SQL cell with a database named 'congress' as the selected database source.
Query a Datasette database in Observable's SQL cell.
Expand for Datasette implementation details


// From Alex Garcia's "Hello, Datasette" notebook
// Notebook:
class DatasetteClient {
  constructor(baseUrl) {
    this.baseUrl = baseUrl;

  _getFetchURL(sql, params, _shape = "array") {
    const searchParams = new URLSearchParams();
    searchParams.append("sql", sql);
    if (params)
      for (const key in params) {
        searchParams.append(key, params[key]);
    searchParams.append("_shape", _shape);
    return `${this.baseUrl}.json?${searchParams.toString()}`;

  _parseTemplate(strings, ...values) {
    let sql = "";
    const params = {};
    let paramsI = 0;
    for (const [i, s] of strings.entries()) {
      if (i < values.length) {
        // If an array is given inside ${}, then create a new parameter
        // for each element and join the param names together in SQL
        // ex "select 1 in ${[1,2,3]}" ->
        // {sql: "select 1 in (:p0,p1,:p2)", params:{p0:1, p1:2, p2:3} }
        if (Array.isArray(values[i])) {
          const sqlArrayParts = [];
          for (const v of values[i]) {
            const param = `p${paramsI++}`;
            params[param] = v;
          sql += `${s}(${sqlArrayParts.join(",")})`;
        // Otherwise just replace element with string
        else {
          const param = `p${paramsI++}`;
          sql += `${s}:${param}`;
          params[param] = values[i];
      } else {
        sql += s;

    return { sql, params };

  _element(name, props, children) {
    if (arguments.length === 2) (children = props), (props = undefined);
    const element = document.createElement(name);
    if (props !== undefined) for (const p in props) element[p] = props[p];
    if (children !== undefined)
      for (const c of children) element.appendChild(c);
    return element;

  _text(value) {
    return document.createTextNode(value);

  async query(query, params) {
    const fetchUrl = this._getFetchURL(query, params);
    const data = await fetch(fetchUrl).then((r) => r.json());
    if (typeof data.ok !== "undefined" && !data.ok) throw Error(data.error);
    return Object.assign(data, {
      columns: data.length ? Object.keys(data[0]) : []

  // have to redefine bc Datasette doesnt use non-named parameters ("?")
  async describe(object) {
    const rows = await (object === undefined
      ? this.query(`SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table'`)
      : this.query(`SELECT * FROM pragma_table_info(:p0)`, { p0: object }));
    if (!rows.length) throw new Error("Not found");
    const { columns } = rows;
    return this._element("table", { value: rows }, [
      this._element("thead", [
 => this._element("th", [this._text(c)]))
        "tbody", =>
   => this._element("td", [this._text(r[c])]))

  async sql(strings, ...values) {
    const { sql, params } = this._parseTemplate(strings, ...values);
    return this.query(sql, params);


To use in your Observable notebook:

import {DoltDatabaseClient} from "@observablehq/dolt"

Then call the DoltDatabaseClient constructor:

db = new DoltDatabaseClient({
  host: "",
  owner: "dolthub",
  repo: "SHAQ"

Query the database (db) in Observable's SQL cell:

Screen shot of a SQL query in a SQL cell, using a database named db as the source.
Query a Dolt database (like db created in the code above) in Observable's SQL cell.
Expand for Dolt implementation details


class DoltDatabaseClient {
    host = "",
    owner, // e.g., "dolthub"
    repo, // e.g., "SHAQ"
    branch = "main",
    origin = `${host}/api/v1alpha1/${owner}/${repo}/${branch}`
  }) {
    this.origin = `${origin}`;
  async sql(strings, ...args) {
    if (strings.length > 1) throw new Error("query parameters not supported");
    return fetch(`${this.origin}?${new URLSearchParams({q: strings[0]})}`)
      .then(response => response.json())
function formatResults({query_execution_status, query_execution_message, schema, rows}) {
  if (query_execution_status !== "Success") throw new Error(query_execution_message);
  return Object.assign( => {
      for (const {columnName, columnType} of schema) {
        row[columnName] = formatValue(row[columnName], columnType);
      return row;
    {columns:{columnName}) => columnName)}
function formatValue(value, type) {
  switch (type) {
    case "TINYINT": return value === "1"; // boolean?
    case "INT": case "DOUBLE": case "FLOAT": return +value;
    case "DATETIME": return new Date(value.replace(" ", "T") + "Z");
    case "DATE": return new Date(value);
    default: return value;


Observable's DuckDB client lets you query tabular data of any form using SQL. DuckDB supports a variety of popular file formats, including CSV, TSV, JSON, Apache Arrow, and Apache Parquet. You can also query in-memory data such as arrays of objects and Apache Arrow tables.

To get started, first create a client by calling DuckDBClient.of(tables) in a JavaScript cell. For example, the gaiadb client below has a single table, gaia, populated from an Arrow file, gaia-sample.arrow. (This astronomical data is from the Gaia Archive via Jeff Heer.)

gaiadb = DuckDBClient.of({
  gaia: FileAttachment("gaia-sample.arrow")

The tables argument to DuckDBClient.of defines the tables of the database. Each key represents a table name, while the value corresponds to the table's data. Data can be expressed in a variety of forms:

  • A CSV file (.csv)
  • A TSV file (.tsv)
  • A JSON file (.json)
  • An Arrow file (.arrow)
  • A Parquet file (.parquet)
  • An Arrow table (Apache Arrow version 9 or later)
  • An array of objects

Once you've declared your DuckDBClient in a cell, create a SQL cell or data table cell and select your client as the data source. For example, the SQL cell below selects a random sample from the gaia table.

SQL cell with gaiadb selected as the source, with code SELECT * FROM gaia USING SAMPLE 10% in the cell to select a random sample from the gaia table. The output of the query is previewed in a table above.
Random sample from the gaia table in the gaiadb database, with query output previewed above.

By naming the SQL cell, such as stars above, you can access the query results from another cell. The query results are represented as an array of objects.

You can specify multiple tables when creating your DuckDBClient. Tables do not need to come from identical file types—you can mix and match data formats for different tables, for example to join data from a CSV file with JSON data fetched from an API. Conveniently, DuckDB does automatic type inference on CSV and TSV files.

The code below (in a JavaScript cell) creates a new database client named stocks. The database contains four tables: aapl, amzn, goog, and ibm.

stocks = DuckDBClient.of({
  aapl: FileAttachment("aapl.csv"),
  amzn: FileAttachment("amzn.csv"),
  goog: FileAttachment("goog.csv"),
  ibm: FileAttachment("ibm.csv")

To pass additional options to the underlying AsyncDuckDB instance when creating tables, pass a {file, ...options} object as the table value instead of a bare file, or similarly a {data, ...options} object instead of the data directly. For example, below we specify the dateFormat option for CSV files, allowing DuckDB to parse dates not in the ISO 8601 format.

moviesdb = DuckDBClient.of({
  movies: {
    file: FileAttachment("movies.csv"),
    dateFormat: "%b %d %Y" // e.g. Jun 12 1998

You can also use the JavaScript DuckDBClient API directly:

  • db.query(string, params, options)
  • db.queryRow(string, params, options)
  • db.queryStream(string, params, options)
  • db.sql(strings, ...params)
  • db.describeTables({schema, database})
  • db.describeColumns({table, schema, database})

For example, using the stocks database created above, you can use the API directly in a JavaScript cell:

stocks.query("SELECT Open, Close, Volume FROM aapl WHERE Volume > ?", [100_000_000])

See the DatabaseClient specification for details on JavaScript DuckDBClient API methods.

In some cases, it may also be convenient to create derived views with DuckDB.


Our DuckDB database client implementation is based on previous work by the CMU Data Interaction Group and uses the WebAssembly version of DuckDB. It is released under the ISC license as part of the Observable standard library.


To use HEAVY.AI (formerly known as OmniSci and MapD) in your notebook:

import {HeavyAIDatabaseClient} from "@observablehq/heavyai"

Then call, and use the result with a SQL cell.

demo ={
  protocol: "https",
  host: "",
  port: "443",
  dbName: "newflights",
  user: "demouser",
  password: "HyperInteractive"
Screenshot of a database called demo being queried in a SQL cell.
Query a HEAVY.AI database (here, named demo in the code above), in Observable's SQL cell.
Expand for HEAVY.AI implementation details


class HeavyAIDatabaseClient {
  static async open({
    protocol = "https", 
    port = protocol === "https" ? "443" : undefined,
  } = {}) {
    const connector = new HeavyAI.DbCon();
    if (protocol !== undefined) connector.protocol(protocol);
    if (host !== undefined);
    if (port !== undefined) connector.port(port);
    if (dbName !== undefined) connector.dbName(dbName);
    if (user !== undefined) connector.user(user);
    if (password !== undefined) connector.password(password);
    return new HeavyAIDatabaseClient(await connector.connectAsync());
  constructor(connector) {
    Object.defineProperty(this, "connector", {value: connector});
  async describe(name) {
    if (name !== undefined) {
      const fields = await this.connector.getFieldsAsync(name);
      const table = htl.html`<table>
  <tbody>${ => htl.html`<tr>
      table.value = fields.columns;
      return table;
    const tables = await this.connector.getTablesAsync();
    const table = htl.html`<table>
  <tbody>${ => htl.html`<tr>
    table.value = tables;
    return table;
  async sql(strings, ...args) {
    if (strings.length > 1) throw new Error("query parameters not supported");
    return this.connector.queryAsync(strings[0]);
MapDDatabaseClient = HeavyAIDatabaseClient // for backwards compatibility
HeavyAI = (await import("")).default

MariaDB (MySQL driver)

See our standard instructions for Connecting to databases, choosing MySQL for the database Type where prompted.

Mongo SQL

See our standard instructions for Connecting to databases.


See our standard instructions for Connecting to databases.


In order to connect to Oracle, you will have to self-host a database proxy. The database proxy is a simple Node.js webserver that accepts secure requests from your Observable notebooks, and proxies queries to a PostgreSQL, MySQL, Snowflake, SQL Server, Databricks or Oracle database. You can use the database proxy to securely connect to databases on your local computer, on an intranet or within a VPN.

Install the database proxy locally or globally with npm or yarn:

npm install -g @observablehq/database-proxy
yarn global add @observablehq/database-proxy

Installing for Oracle databases

To use the Oracle database client, you will also need to install the oracledb npm library with npm or yarn:

npm install -g oracledb
yarn global add oracldeb


Node-oracledb is an add-on available as C source code. Pre-built binaries are available as a convenience for common architectures (Windows 64-bit, Linux x86_64, and macOS (Intel x86)). For other architectures (i.e macOS (ARM64)), you will need to build from the source code as described here.

Oracle Client Library

One of the Oracle Client libraries version 21, 19, 18, 12, or 11.2 needs to be installed in your operating system library search path such as PATH on Windows or LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux. On macOS link the libraries to /usr/local/lib.

For more information see node-oracledb documentation.

Running the database proxy

Usage: observable-database-proxy <command> <name> [options]


  • start <name> [ssl options] Start a database proxy server
  • add <name> Add a new database proxy configuration
  • remove <name> Remove an existing database proxy configuration
  • reset <name> Reset the shared secret for an existing database proxy configuration
  • list List all configured database proxies

When adding a database proxy configuration, a window will be opened to to configure the connection in your Database Settings and set the shared secret. Subsequent starts of the database proxy do not require re-configuration.


  $ observable-database-proxy start localdb

  $ observable-database-proxy add localssl
  $ observable-database-proxy start localssl --sslcert ~/.ssl/localhost.crt --sslkey ~/.ssl/localhost.key

Configuration storage

All proxy configuration is stored in ~/.observablehq. You can delete the file to remove all of your database proxy configuration at once.

SSL Certificates

If you're using Chrome or Edge, and running the database proxy on your local computer (at, you can connect to it directly with HTTP—there's no need to set up a self-signed SSL certificate for the proxy.

If you're using Firefox or Safari, or if you wish to run the database proxy on a different computer on your intranet, you can create a self-signed SSL certificate and configure the database proxy to use it in order to proxy over HTTPS. Be sure to "Require SSL/TLS" in the Observable configuration, and specify the --sslcert and --sslkey options when running the database proxy.

Using from notebooks

After the proxy is running, in one of your private notebooks, use DatabaseClient("name") to create a database client pointed at your local proxy. When querying, your data and database credentials never leave your local computer. See Self-hosted database proxies for more information about how to use it from Observable.


See our standard instructions for Connecting to databases.


To use QuestDB in an Observable notebook:

import {QuestDatabaseClient} from "@observablehq/questdb"

Call the QuestDatabaseClient constructor (here using the QuestDB demo instance), then query the database in Observable's SQL cell:

db = new QuestDatabaseClient("")
Screenshot of a database called demo being queried in a SQL cell.
Query a QuestDB database (here, named db in the code above), in Observable's SQL cell.

Named query outputs (like gas_prices above) can be piped into other cells, for example into a JavaScript cell to create a chart with Observable Plot:

Results of a SQL database query stored as <i>gas_prices</i> are used as a source for a line chart in Observable Plot.
Named SQL cells can be called in other cells, for example as a data source for Observable Plot charts.
Expand for QuestDB implementation details


class QuestDatabaseClient {
  constructor(host) { = host;
  async sql(strings, ...args) {
    if (strings.length > 1) throw new Error("query parameters not supported");
    return fetch(`${}/exec?${new URLSearchParams({query: strings[0]})}`)
      .then(response => response.json())
async function exec(query) {
  return fetch(`${new URLSearchParams({query})}`)
    .then(response => response.json())
function formatResults({error, columns, dataset}) {
  if (error) throw new Error(error);
  const rows = => {
    return Object.fromEntries({name, type}, i) => {
      return [name, formatValue(row[i], type)];
  rows.columns ={name}) => name);
  return rows;
function formatValue(value, type) {
  switch (type) {
    case "TIMESTAMP": return new Date(value);
    default: return value;


See our standard instructions for Connecting to databases.

SQL Server

See our standard instructions for Connecting to databases.


See our documentation for attaching and working with SQLite files in Observable.


Observable's Trino/Presto client lets you explore and querytables hosted on Trino servers in your notebooks. The client is intended to conform to the Trino's client REST API, and Observable's DatabaseClient Specification.

To use in an Observable notebook:

import { TrinoDatabaseClient } from "@observablehq/trino-presto"
trinoDatabase = new TrinoDatabaseClient({ ...options })


hostTrino host name[REQUIRED]
userTrino user name"trino"
customFetchHeadersAn object with custom headers added to all fetch requests{}
customFetchOptionsAn object with custom options added to all fetch requests{}
corsModeThe CORS fetch mode value"cors"
excludedCatalogsAn array of Trino catalogs excluded from table search["jmx"]
pollDelayMsDelay (in milliseconds) between polling database service[REQUIRED]


  • By default the client excludes the JMX catalog from the catalog list when browsing tables. You can change this behavior with the excludedCatalogs option.
  • We have been unable to find Trino configuration to allow cross-origin requests. We recommend you setup your own CORS proxy, for example CORS Anywhere. You can also use something like, though involving a 3rd party is less secure.


The example code below configures a TrinoDatabaseClient to connect to a demonstration Trino database and use to allow cross-origin requests.

trinoDatabase = new TrinoDatabaseClient({

Explore and SQL Query

Once you have created the database client, you can explore tables using Data Table cells (shown below), or query the database in a SQL cell:

Screenshot of a Data table cell previewing the contents of a database table.
Explore database contents in Observable's Data Table cell.
Expand for Trino/Pesto implementation details



class TrinoDatabaseClient {
    pollDelayMs = DEFAULT_POLL_DELAY_MS,
    excludedCatalogs = DEFAULT_EXCLUDED_CATALOGS,
    corsMode = DEFAULT_CORS_MODE,
    customFetchHeaders = {},
    customFetchOptions = {}
  } = {}) {
    if (!host) {
      throw new Error("host is a required parameter");
    } = host;
    this.user = user;
    this.corsMode = corsMode;
    this.pollDelayMs = pollDelayMs;
    this.excludedCatalogs = excludedCatalogs;
    this.customFetchHeaders = customFetchHeaders;
    this.customFetchOptions = customFetchOptions;

  async sql(strings) {
    if (strings.length > 1) throw new Error("query parameters not supported");

    return this.#fetchQuery({ query: strings[0] }).then((result) =>

  async describeColumns({ database, schema, table } = {}) {
    const columns = await this.sql([`DESCRIBE ${database}.${schema}.${table}`]);
    return this.#establishColumnMetaData(columns).schema;

  async describeTables() {
    const schemas = await this.#queryAllSchemas();
    const tables = await Promise.all({ Catalog, Schema }) => {
        return this.sql([`SHOW TABLES FROM ${Catalog}.${Schema}`]).then(
          (tables) =>
  { Table }) => ({
              database: Catalog,
              schema: Schema,
              name: Table

    return tables.flat();

  async #queryAllSchemas() {
    const catalogs = (await this.sql(["SHOW CATALOGS"])).filter(
      ({ Catalog }) => !this.excludedCatalogs?.includes(Catalog)

    return (
      await Promise.all({ Catalog }) => {
          return this.sql([`SHOW SCHEMAS FROM ${Catalog}`]).then((schemas) =>
  { Schema }) => ({ Catalog, Schema }))

  #formatResults({ error, columns, dataset }) {
    if (error) {
      throw new Error(error);

    const { schema, metaMap } = this.#establishColumnMetaData(
      (d) =>,
      (d) => d.type

    const rows = => {
      return Object.fromEntries({ name, type }, i) => [

    rows.schema = schema;

    return rows;

    getName = (d) => d.Column,
    getType = (d) => d.Type
  ) {
    const meta = columns
      .map((column) => ({
        name: getName(column),
        databaseType: getType(column)
      .map(({ name, databaseType }) => ({
        type: "other", // default to "other" type
        transform: (d) => d, // default to identity

    // strip out just the minimum for the schema

    const schema ={ name, type, databaseType }) => ({

    // the meta map provides all meta data indexed by field name

    const metaMap = d3.index(meta, (d) =>;

    return { schema, metaMap };

  #establishColumnType(trinoType) {
    return this.#types.find(({ test }) => test.test(trinoType));

  // ensure that the host on the URI is the host as stated by
  // this class, and not the host returned by trio instance
  // because there could be some kind of proxying in between

  #formatUri(uri) {
    const { pathname, searchParams } = new URL(uri);
    const paramsString = searchParams.toString();
    const hasParams = paramsString.length > 0;

    return `${}${pathname}${hasParams ? `?${paramsString}` : ""}`;

  async #fetchQuery({ query }) {
    //initial query is a POST
    let queryFetch = this.#fetch({
      path: `${}/v1/statement`,
      method: HTTP_POST,

      // WARNING: dangerous hack!
      // the LIMIT and OFFSET clauses must come in the order: OFFSET <n> LIMIT <n>
      // though not explicitly stated in the documentation:
      // queries with the LIMIT <n> OFFSET <n> order error out.
      // this code swaps the clauses if they appear in the "wrong" order

      body: query.replace(/(limit \d+)(.+)(offset \d+)/i, "$3$2$1")

    // variable to collect results

    let dataset = [];
    let columns = null;
    let error = null;

    // continue to query while nextUri is returned in the response

    while (!!queryFetch && !error) {
      await queryFetch
        .then((response) => {
          // if the response contains columns, record those

          if (!!response.columns) {
            columns = response.columns;

          // if the response contains data, append that to the dataset

          if (!! {
            dataset = dataset.concat(;

          // if the response contains an error, record message

          if (!!response.error) {
            error = response.error.message;

          // if nextUri exists, fetch again

          queryFetch = !!response.nextUri
            ? this.#fetch({ path: this.#formatUri(response.nextUri) })
            : null;
        .catch((_error) => {
          error = _error;

      // in case slamming the database is an issue, optionally pause between polls
      // if this is likely to be a real issue maybe we should use:

      if (this.pollDelayMs > 0) {
        await Promises.delay(this.pollDelayMs);

    return { dataset, columns, error };

  #fetch({ path, body, method = HTTP_GET }) {
    return fetch(path, {
      mode: this.corsMode,
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        "X-Trino-User": this.user,
      ...(method === HTTP_POST ? { body } : {}),
    }).then((response) => response.json());

  // NON-EXHAUSTIVE mapping between trino and observable types:
  // and observable database table types:
  // the optional "transform" field provides a way to convert values
  // to values the table can consume and defaults to identity

  #types = [
    // boolean

    { test: /^boolean$/i, type: "boolean", transform: (d) => Boolean(d) },

    // string

    { test: /^varchar/i, type: "string" },
    { test: /^char/i, type: "string" },
    { test: /^json$/i, type: "string" },

    // integer

    { test: /^tinyint$/i, type: "integer", transform: parseInt },
    { test: /^smallint$/i, type: "integer", transform: parseInt },
    { test: /^integer$/i, type: "integer", transform: parseInt },

    // bigint

      test: /^bigint$/i,
      type: "bigint",
      transform: (d) => (!!d ? BigInt(d) : Number.NaN)

    // number

    { test: /^decimal/i, type: "number", transform: parseFloat },
    { test: /^real$/i, type: "number", transform: parseFloat },
    { test: /^double$/i, type: "number", transform: parseFloat },

    // buffer

    { test: /^varbinary/i, type: "buffer" },

    // date

    { test: /^date$/i, type: "date", transform: (d) => new Date(d) },

    // time

    { test: /^time$/i, type: "string" }

