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Data apps

Data apps are a secure way to share data applications within a team or with the public. The key advantage of using Observable Framework is that it is a static-site generator, meaning data is generated at build-time rather than run-time. While the build process needs access to the relevant data sources, its output and what is served to the user consists of static HTML, CSS, JS files, as well as cached data. For more details, see this video and blog post explaining static site generators.

The build process can be run on your own infrastructure, or on third-party providers (such as github). If run on your own infrastructure, no machine outside your network needs access to your data sources, such as databases.

The resulting files are deployed to a server, which can be your own (see below), Observable cloud, or a third-party web server. These files only contain data generated by data loaders, and do not have access to the underlying data sources. They may still contain sensitive information, however, so access needs to be controlled.

On-premises hosting, Self-hosting

EnterpriseLearn more about Enterprise

Enterprise customers can deploy data apps on-premises, which allows their data to stay on their network and never touch Observable's servers. This architecture diagram provides a high-level overview of what our on-premises solution offers:

An architecture diagram of what Observbable on-premises entails. The diagram is split into three sections: Observable servers, Github servers and your private network. This shows that data only lives on your private network.
An architecture diagram of what Observbable on-premises entails.

To learn more about Enterprise, please contact our sales team at