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On your workspace homepage, you see cards for each of the projects deployed to your workspace. They show the name of the project and whether it is public or only visible to your team. Clicking on the name of the project takes you to its dashboard.

In addition, each card shows overall viewer stats over the last 60 days in a small chart.

Screenshot of the workspace home page listing projects in individual boxes that show the project title and a chart showing viewer activity for the last 60 days
The projects list on the workspace homepage shows overall viewer stats for the last 60 days.

The colors of the bars represent the number of viewers, with darker colors meaning more viewers. Hover over individual bars to see the date the bar represents and the number of viewers on that day.

Individual project analytics pages

Clicking on the chart or the gear symbol in a project card takes you to the project's analytics page. This page breaks out views into individual pages and shows additional information.

Screenshot of the analytics page for a single project. It shows the title, Observable BI, at the top, and a row of colored boxes for each page to show activity, an average number of views, and a row of avatar images for regular viewers of each page.
The detail view of a single project shows views for every page as well as for all pages, total number of views for each page, and the list of regular viewers.

The first row shows the same stats as the card on the project page, but with the addition of a time axis above it, the total number of views, and the list of regulars (see below).

Below it, there is a row for every page in your project, with its own stats. This is grouped into the top pages, which get the most views, and the rest.


For team (non-public) projects, the Regulars column shows who has been viewing the dashboard at least twice a week on average. Clicking on the row of avatars opens a floating window that shows more details, including the names and the number of times each workspace member has viewed the page.

Screenshot of the analytics page for a single project.
The regulars list shows users who have viewed a page at least twice a week on average.

Click anywhere on the page to close the floating window.